Header image disappeared

  • I have viewed page in multiple browsers on multiple devices and op systems today. In all cases, colors display as I indicated in the “before” screenshot instead of as they should in “after” screenshot. Screenshots are linked in yesterday’s 4:57pm post.

  • Sorry – correction – I mean they are displaying as in “after” screenshot (after Kathryn tweaked the first time) instead of as they should be as shown in “before” screenshot (how it looked for last five years during which I never touched it). Appreciate your attention to this, but also not sure why if I am paying for upgrades (domain mapping, css), I am having to go through this public forum to get issues resolved or why they arose in the first place.

  • I’m sorry this is still causing trouble and am going to ask one of our developers to have a look.

    not sure why if I am paying for upgrades (domain mapping, css), I am having to go through this public forum to get issues resolved

    Just so you know, you can get one-on-one support for paid upgrades by using our contact form here:

    Just choose the “private” option when you get to the form.


  • No option at above contact form for “private” – just looked again and only option I see is asking community for help.

  • Only the upgrade owner will see that option, and the Custom Design upgrade was purchased by another user, ketcham.

  • Got it – she pays the bills and adds the content. I just set it up and did the design. Thanks for clarification.

  • Hi again, we’ve been doing some testing on your site to try to find out how the CSS code was reverted back to an older version, since this is pretty unusual. :-)

    I’ve re-done the code tweaks I made yesterday, and the CSS formatting is back to normal, in terms of line breaks, indenting, etc.

    Would you mind letting me know if you – or the other administrator on your site – made any changes at all yesterday using the theme Customizer, even if they weren’t changes in the CSS editor? For example, changes to fonts, backgrounds, etc.

    Also, to answer your question about CSS comments, the old editor used to strip them out, but they are now preserved.

    Thanks for helping us try to get to the bottom of this!

  • Thanks Kathryn – I just saw the now beautiful css code – formatted, indented, line numbers and breaks as well as blog displaying as we had it.

    I can’t say with100% certainty the other admin did nothing, but I am pretty darn sure because she doesn’t do anything but edit content. When banner disappeared, she emailed me to ask if I could fix it. Her skill set does not include any type of coding. I emailed her after you had all restored yesterday and told her it was fixed.

    I, as admin, also did not make any changes. Like I said, I opened the css editor and copied and pasted from it, but did not edit the code or paste anything into it. Today, I copied it all and pasted it into an offline document to compare to my archived offline code, but I never changed the code itself. The only non-css change I attempted to make was restoring the header image from the media library via dashboard/appearance/header, but that was prior to ever initiating this support topic.

    Thanks for your persistence, and let’s hope all remains stable moving forward. I know assumption is user error (I share that assumption), but I really don’t think anyone or anything changed on our end to cause the initial or subsequent weirdness.

  • Thanks for letting me know the sequence of events. We certainly didn’t assume user error, but we didn’t want to rule it out, either, since this is such an unusual case. ;-)

    If you do notice anything change again, please let me know.

  • Will do – agree it’s unusual. I am typically a very happy wordpress.com camper and was surprised at this sequence of events. I depend on this particular blog being low maintenance on my part – as evidenced by my not touching it for 5 years, so let’s hope for at least 5 more!

  • I totally understand – it’s certainly disconcerting to have your site look different all of a sudden. We do make regular tweaks to our behind-the-scenes tools like the Customizer as well as to our themes themselves, which can sometimes have unintended consequences for particular sites. When that happens, we try to troubleshoot each case as best we can, like we did here.

    Again, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and do let me know if it happens again!

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