Guided transfer to own hosting (not "one of our partners")

  • Guided Transfer description states: “One of our Happiness Engineers will transfer your site to a self-hosted installation with one of our partners.”

    I already have an IP address where WP can be installed. It’s not “one of our [WP] partners”.

    Can I still use the Guided Transfer service?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I don’t know. Who is the web hosting company you want to transfer the blog to? Not all web hosts meet the requirements for wordpress, and there are some hosts that don’t “do” wordpress.

    I’ll tag this thread for staff attention in the meantime so that they can respond.

  • You should ask the staff: as they are the ones on the hook if something does not work.

    I expect that the Partners thing is so they know that the host they are transferring to will really work – my old host was “WordPress compatible” but we could never quite get the uploads to work correctly, some server issue I think.

  • ~~@TSP

    Yes not all “WordPress ready” hosts are created equal.

  • Thanks for the response.

    We (my company) are hosting it ourselves on our server.

  • Auxclass – thanks for the link to contact support. Did not see it while looking on the Support’s site.

  • You be welcome & good luck

  • The first thing you would have to do is to make sure that your company servers meet the requirements for wordpress which are outlined here: .

    WordPress 3.2 is just around the corner and that means that the requirements have changed as they are no longer going to support some of the older versions of PHP and MySQL.

    From the wording in the guided transfer, I suspect staff might not do it, but we won’t know till they respond.

    If they don’t, and your server meets the minimum requirements for WordPress, click on my username and use my contact form to contact me. I do this sort of thing for a living and can help you out.

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