Guided Transfer question

  • I am contemplating purchasing the guided transfer upgrade, can someone answer some of my questions regarding this upgrade?

    My site is

    1. Will they make sure that the site transfers as it currently looks and works? I have made some custom css changes to the template that I want to make sure will get carried over. Or do they just make sure that only the content is transferred?
    2. Once the site is transferred to, will I be able to put ads and google analystics onto the site with the current template? Is this included in the transfer package to make sure those features can be added? I understand if the happiness engineers won’t actually install those for me, but will it be possible to make those changes to the template I have now?
    3. If within the two weeks post transfer, I make some changes (cosmetically, new plugins, new theme, google analytic, etc.) and the site is messed up, will I still be provided support and if so, what kind of support?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We Volunteer are unable to provide any information beyond what’s available here. > If your questions are not answered there then you can contact Staff using this link tomorrow after they reactivate the support link.

    Please read this entry carefully >

    (1) CSS changes are not carried over. The themes used on installs are coded differently than those here at (even those with the same names are not coded the same) and all CSS is theme specific.

    (2) Yes you can advertise on a install and you can use Google Analytics. No I don’t believe Staff will set that up for you. It’s up to you to register your own advertising accounts and initiate their display on a self-hosted install.

    will it be possible to make those changes to the template I have now?

    No. The templates underlying all themes at are shared by all using the same themes. This is a multuser blogging platform and the templates are not transferable to Also note that Premium themes purchased at are only valid here at

    (3) A Guided Transfer occurs over a 24 hour period. Once you purchase the upgrade, a Happiness Engineer will work with you to set up a day (during the work week) to perform the transfer. Thereafter all support must come form posting to

    If you have any additional questions you can use this link to contact Staff when they reactivate it tomorrow.

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