Gravatar profile photo constantly uploads sideways

  • hi all

    im new but have spent 1 hour researching this bug on the net

    im using OSX, macbook air, i have a photo saved on desktop . JPEG format.

    photo on desktop is showing VERTICAL (correctly)

    but EVERY time I try to upload to GRAVATAR – photo uploads SIDEWAYS

    originally i saw it was called .jpg from my dropbox photos. so i saved and renamed .jpeg (to see if that made a difference)

    photo pulls up correctly in i-photo and shows correctly on desktop

    it does NOT show correctly on gravatar (sideways – it rotates itself right)

    losing my mind on this one.


    many thanks,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Removing the Admin bar from the top of you blog is a ToS violation. I’m not saying you did that. I’m saying I don’t see one and that why I’m tagging this thread for Staff attention. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • ha,

    I am new and do not even know where the admin bar is

    right now i am going through and trying to learn EVERY module under LEARN WORDPRESS chapters

    its a process

    I never removed admin toolbar…. never even used it

    BUT to do all the customisation i need to do with my new site… I definitely need it

    Will someone from wordpress staff put it back?
    if so

    never even used it so no way i could have removed it… hmm, but i know i need it

    still just learning my way around, where everything goes, and the names of everything

    thank you so much for your help (on a sunday no less!)

    will try method you suggested above on rotation and revert back, its 8pm in italy right now, and ive been at all this since 11. taking a break : )

  • Staff will respond to this thread after they serve all the bloggers who have threads tagged for their assistance before this one was tagged. All that’s required is your patience.

  • awesome
    thank you so much
    i reviewed the forum post on renaming you sent, thank you,
    tried that (your article came up when i googled the issue) – no avail
    still didnt work

    im sure the staff at WP will help sort out tomorrow

    thank you again for all of your help

    if you still have a listing of your tips (mentioned in your other forum posting) please let me know! always looking for tips as new beginner

  • My tips are all in my blogging tips blog.
    lick my username to locate the blog. :)

    im sure the staff at WP will help sort out tomorrow

    Me too.

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