Google AdSense, Yahoo. Chitika and other ads

  • Hi guys.

    I’d like to know when it will be possible to put some google ads (yahoo, chitika, amazon or others) into blogs?

    Is this going to happen soon or would you recommend me to move my blog to another host?

    Am I the only one who misses the possibility to put some ads into my blog as it is possible with other blogging software?

  • FAQ on the topic.

    I would rather have a secure blog myself.

  • I call them as I see them, without the intention of giving offence. GAWD! I certainly hope the answer to that question in the context of free blogs hosted by with the support we get from stalwart community minded volunteers is “NEVER” [pardon the shout]. But IMO people who desire to be paid to blog can download a copy of wordpress to their own server and deal with their security issues all on their lonesome, without compromising security for the rest of us. (Like I said at the beginning – no offence intended.):D

  • My feeling is that hosting adverts on your blog will be allowed eventually, but you’ll have to pay for the privilege. And your ad revenue would probably just about cover the cost of that, so unless you were going to use the other premium features it wouldn’t be worth it.

    (Disclaimer: this answer is pure speculation. A developer will be along to deny it shortly ;) )

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