Formatting help

  • Hello! I’m in the middle of a design overhaul, recently having gone from a Blank Canvas to an “Assembled” Theme. There are a couple sticky formatting matters I haven’t quite been able to work out yet:

    1. Default margins. It seems as though my pages have all taken their margins cue from the homepage I redid. While I love and would like to keep the tight margins on the homepage (as they are around the very first content, starting at “heartwarming” and ending at “VOYA”), I would like to be able to use wider margins on other pages. Is there a way to do this?
    2. I think I was having this problem before the theme change — for some reason, my paragraph content on pages (see pages “About” “Books” “Bio”) appears to be laying itself out slightly off-centered (pulling to the left)? It’s lowkey driving me bonkers. Is anyone able to verify or offer insight on how to fix?

    Any help is much appreciated! Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi! I’d be happy to help you here.

    1. Yes, there absolutely is a way to do this. Your site uses the Site Editor to format the templates which control your content layouts, so you can configure each of your templates—the Pages or Single Posts templates, for instance— to lay out your pages and posts quite differently from the Home template which controls your homepage content. You can access these from Appearance → Editor → Templates in the left sidebar of your site dashboard.
    2. From what I’m able to see, the problem is actually not in the pages themselves, but in the Header pattern added to each of your templates. Within that pattern is a Group block named “Header,” which appears to have some extra left and right padding added to its dimensions. You can edit the Heading pattern directly from Appearance → Editor → Patterns or open it from within the Pages template. Then, select this “Header” Group block and adjust its dimension settings as outlined here: Padding and Margin.

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions, or if we can assist you further.

  • Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate you walking me through the intricacies — I have a feeling knowing how to get to some of these things and what controls what is going to unlock a lot more use-ability for me. Will try tooling around with these soon and let you know how it goes!

  • We look forward to hearing back from you! 🙂

  • Re item 2: When I check the Header pattern’s group (and then each item in it via list view), the only added padding I am able to find is above and below, rather than on the sides. On the sides, I even set it to “0 px” to be sure, but am not seeing a visual change once published. I do note that there is no slider to adjust the horizontal margins, however, even when I click the “custom” option, if that could be significant.

    Viewing the pages on desktop, it really feels as though it is the content — starting at paragraphs — that skews left from center. I even tried measuring my screen a few different ways, and I can’t be sure, but it seems like there’s about a 1/16th of an inch difference (between white space on left vs. right).

    For now, I’ve dropped the content of each page down a little lower, and find the off-centered feeling is not as loud, though it is still there. Is there anything else you can think of that I might be able to check or tool around with? Thank you again!!

  • Please allow us some time to check this and get back to you here.

  • Thanks for your patience while looked into this! I’ve sent a response in email to include some screenshots and a video.

  • Hi! Thank you for your continued help, and taking the time to be so thorough. For whatever reason, I’m not seeing an email in my inbox or spam. I’ve also checked “My Mailboxes” from the WordPress dashboard (in case it was a built-in feature there) — perhaps I’m overlooking something? Thanks for your patience!

  • Hi @julieisrael! I’ve just re-sent that email. You should have it now, but I’d like to hear about it if you don’t!

  • I got it — thank you! Will (hopefully) close the loop here after I have a chance to sit down with it. Thank you again!

  • No problem! If that loop won’t close we’re happy to hand you some extra string.

  • Okay! Extra padding removed (from both left and right). It looks like it didn’t change where the header group hit overall. To me, it has always looked like the body content, not the header, was what was pulling a hair to the left (most noticeable on my About page, which I have yet to update), but I’m starting to think it’s an optical illusion. If things still look weird when I’ve updated the About page, I might be back, haha.

    Otherwise, I want to thank everyone again for the dedicated help! The email with photo was particularly helpful, because I was able to verify I was making adjustments in exactly the right place. I’m going to go ahead and mark as resolved :)

  • Forgot to check the resolved box. My goodness! Thank you!

  • Super glad this worked for you! Drop on by again if you’re stuck on anything else – we’re always somewhere!

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