format for bullets copied from Word

  • Hi,
    I typed my latest post on Word (using 14 point type with 1 &1/2 line spacing throughout) and then pasted it (using the little “W” box) onto my wordpress blog.

    But as you see, the bullets are so cramped, they are difficult to read.

    I can’t make spaces between the lines of the bullets! Here is the permalink:

    See? It looks awful and is hard to read.

  • That’s the default styling for lists in the theme you’re using. You can
    a) avoid using actual lists – just type the text as regular text and enter the bullets manually, or
    b) modify the coding in the Text (=code) editor for each and every list you use, or
    c) buy the Custom Design and correct the spacing once for all, or
    d) switch to a different theme.

    If you opt for b, you need to turn this:
    to this:
    <ul style="line-height:1.5em;">
    Change the number to adjust the spacing (1.5 is the theme’s default for regular text).

  • Dear justpi,

    YOU ARE MY HERO. Thank you so much. The tip about changing the code was over my head, but the one about doing it manually worked.

    I really appreciate your prompt and excellent help.


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