Forcing desktop version on mobile devices with Truly Minimal Theme

  • I would like to force the desktop version of my blog on mobile devices. I want it to look exactly like the desktop version when I view it on mobile devices. When I disable the mobile theme in the mobile tab, very little changes and it does not look like the desktop version. I purchased the customizable upgrade, but I know almost nothing about CSS. Could someone please help me?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I see that right now you have the mobile theme active on your site. You can disable that at Appearance > Mobile in your dashboard. With that disabled, your visitors on tablets and phones will see a very similar view to what someone on a desktop/laptop computer would see. Since Truly Minimal is a responsive design, the view for a phone or tablet is going to be slightly different from what someone on a laptop or desktop computer will see.

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