Follow blog

  • Hi dear support people –
    There doesn’t seem to be a’follow blog’ option when viewing my blog on a smartphone. I do have one when viewed on a computer. How can I fix this? Please advise. I need people to bed able to do this. Would I need to change themes? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, looking at your site on my Android phone using Firefox, this is what I see:
    (temporary screenshot) with the Follow button at the bottom of the screen. However, it didn’t appear initially.

    I hope you don’t mind me making a suggestion? You’re currently displaying the full post on your site’s front page, which is fine when you are on a computer. On a mobile device that means a lot of scrolling. In the Customizer, you should see an content option to display only an excerpt on your front page. Maybe consider enabling that.

    Hope that helps, but post back here if you have other questions about this or need more help.

  • Thanks Jennifer. I’ll check out your suggestion. The follow button want seen on Chrome or Safari but maybe your suggestion will help. Thanks for your help.

  • You’re welcome.

    I powered up my iPad Mini and looked with Safari, and I didn’t see the Follow button there initially. It did appear after a while, just like on my Android phone. So I’m thinking that this button loads after everything else has loaded. If you switch to excerpts, it might load faster. That’s just my educated guess.

    Regardless, I did see the sidebar of your site when visiting in Safari on the Mini (which I didn’t see on my Android phone) and you have a subscribe widget there. Anyone who is logged in with a account at the time they fill out that subscribe form will Follow your site.

    Don’t have Chrome on any mobile or stationary device to look at it, but in a web browser on my Win10Pro PC I did see the Follow button in Brave and MS Edge (latest versions). Again, it took a little while for it to appear.

    If you’re not seeing it at all, post back here and let us know what browser and OS you’re using and if possible upload screenshots to your site’s media library so Staff can have a look at it.

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