Firefox access

  • I seem to be having the opposite problem as some. I can now (unlike the last few days – and I’m still getting a bar graph for stats) access my blog via IE, but cannot log-on via Firefox at all, getting a ‘connection interrupted’.

    I have compeltely removed FF, and then reinstalled and still have the same problem.

    Any ideas, besides cleaing cache, checking firewall, etc, etc?


  • Hmmm, interesting. I have yet to see the bar graphs on Firefox.

    On Firefox 1.5.x
    – no issues logging in initially.
    – I still see the old style stats point/line graph
    – still lose blog login if I go to and login while still logged in to the blog, so have to re-login to blog.

    On IE 6.x
    – no issues logging in.
    – I see the funky new stats bar graph
    – still lose blog login if I go to and login while still logged in to he blog, so have to re-login to blog.

  • My admin is fine in IE and I can login with FireFox but while viewing blogs it’s appearing to me that I’m not logged in – I’m not seeing that top blue bar (with add to blogroll and all that) and when I comment, I’m presented with all the fields (name, email, url) instead of just the comment box.
    As far as stats, I’m getting the line graph in FireFox but the bars in IE.

  • It is firefox screwing your around.. aparently there is some new servers coming in and with all the redirecting, firefix oficially f@cks up. They must be using some sort of unsupported code.


  • FF is finding errors on the page.
    If you look at tools -> JavaScript console; you’ll see some errors. I suspect this is part of the problem.

  • Hmmm… actually, no, I’m not even getting warnings in the JavaScript console… :\


    cmon guys

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