featured photo missing on post to Facebook

  • I’m using the twenty-sixteen theme. When I published my post today it appeared on Facebook (as usual) but there was no featured photo on the Facebook post. In the past my featured photos have shown up, no problem. Is there anything I can do to add the featured photo to Facebook now that I’ve already published my post? “Updating” my post doesn’t seem to do it. I guess Facebook just looks at it once, on the initial post…..maybe?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have the same problem with a twenty eleven blog with photos not appearing in the Facebook post: https://bpcyouth.org.uk.

  • I’m wondering if this is a Facebook issue. Found out the photos I had problems with were smaller than 200×200 pixels (apparently there’s a minimum required size). In WP you can’t make a photo larger, so I had to delete and replace the photo with a larger version of itself and attach it to my post. Then went to Facebook and “updated” my post, hoping it would pick up that new version of the photo — no luck. Submitted the issue to Facebook but haven’t heard anything back yet (not holding my breath, either).

  • yes I think you would need to delete your Facebook post and web post and then redo your web post to make it re-appear on Facebook in the new version. Facebook posts have never updated other items when I’ve changed the web post. I wondered also about the photo size as I had resized the photos on the posts I made when the problem started to make them neater in the text, but even some that seem to sit across the full page are not going through.

  • I thought about deleting the Facebook post and re-posting it. But then I’d lose the “likes” and “shares” — that’s less desirable than a post with no picture. I feel better seeing quite a few posts with blanks instead of photos ;-)

  • We have no control over the images that Twitter, Facebook or any other social networks chooses to display or when they choose to flush their image caches. We really only send them the URL of the post, and they hunt through that for the excerpt and images to include.

    Please read Images in Publicize http://en.support.wordpress.com/publicize/#images-in-publicize

    Facebook debugger
    Facebook image thumbnail

    Facebook Image Thumbnail

  • Thanks, timethief. It was the FB debug tool (“fetch new scrape info”) that I meant when I said I “updated” my FB post. I “fetch’d” new info a half dozen times with no luck. That’s why I’m thinking it’s a FB problem.

  • We can’t help with this. Facebook will eventually flush their caches.

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