Fan Site Affiliates

  • I am not too sure where this question would go but…. My blog is about sharing news about Twilight and the movies and books and what not, and I have other fan sites who “affiliate” with my site. It’s not like the affiliate program that pays you or whatever. Just linking to another fansite you know? I’m wondering if there is some sort of code I can put in a widget in the sidebar to show those affiliates kind of like the Affiliationally. I’m still kind of a novice to all the blogging and website stuff I know some html but not enough.

    Before I just kind of put them in the sidebar as small buttons that link to their sites, but it took up alot of space.

    Anyway any advice (I know I’d probably be able to do more if I upgrade and buy my domain but I was just curious if there was something I could use until then.)

    My Blogs: and

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Just put them in the blogroll; if you want, you can categorize them “Fansites” or whatever.

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