fail to count "max number of words in excerpt" if it is written in Trad.Chinese.

  • As title.
    Wordpress failed to count the number of chinese words and show the complete post in the block.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Can you give a link to a specific post where we can see this?

    And are you speaking of the manual post excerpt, or about the custom message for the Publicize feature that auto-shares your post to social media? I’m asking as I don’t see any reference of a max number of words in excerpt anywhere regarding the manual excerpt in the editor on my own sites.

    It might help if, along with a link to a specific post, you can provide a screen shot showing what you’re speaking of. Upload that directly to your site’s media library, and we’ll be able to see it there.

  • 回憶反思

    Here you are. Scroll down and you will see the difference between a Chinese post and an English post.
    Thank you.

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that additional information there.

    This is a known bug we’re working on fixing.

    In the meantime, I would recommend inserting a More Block into the post at the point where you need to show an excerpt.

    Please see more on the more block here:

    Many thanks for your patience while we work on that.

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