Facebook URL is incorrectly configured.

  • A box on my front page says that my facebook URL is incorrectly configured and to check it in my widget settings. I’ve tried several times, with no success. Also want my blog to post to both my personal and business facebook pages but can’t get it to do that. Need help with these settings please. No panic, just puzzlement!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Currently, it doesn’t look like you’ve provided your Facebook URL within the widget settings. Can you try setting up the widget following the instructions here?


    Please note, the Like box only allows for pages (not individual profiles). Additionally, the Facebook page needs to be public. Let me know if you run into any trouble with the setup!

    Regarding posting to both your timeline and page at the same time when you publish a new blog post, you should be able to set that up through Publicize as explained here:


    When you add a Facebook connection, you will be prompted to select either your profile or page:

    Facebook Publicize

    Please note, for this to work, you will need to be signed into the account that manages/owns the Facebook page. Otherwise, you will need to connect your desired profile, log out of Facebook, login under the Facebook profile that manages the page, and connect the page. Does that make sense?

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