Expound Theme

  • Hi, i have selected this theme but how could i set the feature image show up on the home page, it is just the title showing, and i find it boring? i love the theme, please help


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The https://yossefjohn.wordpress.com/ is presently display the site header image on the blog page and on the static pages shown in the header navigation menu. Have you resolved the issue?

    Featured images are different than header images. On the Expound theme, a featured image set on a post will appear instead of the header image, whether a header image is set to display or not. However, Expound is a bit unusual in that featured images set on static pages will not display.

  • On the Expound theme, a featured image set on a post will appear instead of the header image, whether a header image is set to display or not.

    I incorrectly presumed that would be the case. I later found, in testing, that a featured image set on a post on the Expound theme will not replace the site header, or appear in the header area when there is no site header displayed. Featured images will display on each post on the blog page, and may be displayed elsewhere on the site (by inserting customized Display Posts Shortcode, for example).

    At Adding a Featured Image, the Expound theme guide says:

    To make the most of Expound, we highly recommend adding Featured Images to your posts. To do this, open the editor of the post and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click “Choose a Featured Image.” [read more].

  • Yes i resolved it, however its still annoying to see the tags and categories on the featured image covering the faces of the images

  • I think you’d need Custom CSS in order to hide those from displaying on this theme.

  • You may add a “modlook” tag to the sidebar of this topic to call for staff attention, if you’d like to ask a staff member about the possibility of hiding categories, and/or tags (if applicable), from featured images on the blog page.

  • how to add modlook?

  • Scroll up in this topic until you see the “Tags” section in the sidebar. Type or paste the word “modlook” into the open field beside the “Add” button, and then click the button.

  • Hi josh0281,

    its still annoying to see the tags and categories on the featured image covering the faces of the images

    I see that you’ve switched to a different theme, but musicdoc1 is correct in that you would need to upgrade the site to WordPress.com Premium or Business to use CSS for this change.

    If you decide to upgrade and use Expound again, just make a post in the CSS Customization forums, and we’ll be able to help you there.

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