Export-> Edit(text) ->import

  • Please, imagine the theoretical situation that 700 out of 1000 pages and posts on the blog have the text “Ala has a cat” and you want to change it to “Alexandra has a lot of cats”.
    Find and editing 700 pages (among 1000) is quite an idiotic idea, so I look for possibilities to properly export and import pages (and/or posts) without asking about anything!
    I want export pages, edit texts in notepad (or other TEXT editor) and import and update existing pages (the same what I exported).
    Unfortunately WordPress Export/Import not import them properly – it speaks “this page exists so I didn’t update it”
    What I can realise my process without problems?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    It may be possible to edit these posts via the use of a search and replace plugin, however, the site would need to be on the business plan to be able to do this.

    You could export the content from WordPress.com, conduct the search and replace on a local installation and then delete the content on WordPress.com, for it to be re-imported.

    I hope this helps.

  • What do you mean “the site would need to be on the business plan to be able to do this.”?
    My blog is not on WordPress host (look at: http://www.eryniawtrasie.eu) and problem is with replace texts outsite of blog and properly import.
    I converse with some owners of Export-Import plugins, but I’m surprised WordPress can’t do that – by setting a lock.

  • You are in the wrong forum as your site uses the open source wordpress.org. Their support is at https://wordpress.org/support/

  • “https://wordpress.org/support/”is not user friendly, (it’s awful) :-(
    But I try to use it….

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