Error connecting WordPress to LinkedIn

  • My blog was already connected to my linkedIn account. Today I created a new post, and was told I needed to reconnect to LinkedIn. I click the link to do this, and received the message “There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again.”

    I then went to Settings > Sharing and tried from there. Same problem

    I click to remove sharing for LinkedIn, then tried to connect. Same problem.

    I went to LinkedIn and signed out from there, then went back to WordPress, tried to connect. This time I was given the LinkedIn login, but after entering my details same problem

    How I can reconnect my WordPress to my LinkedIn?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I sorry you have waited for so long for help. I assume this is may still be an issue and have tagged this thread for a Staff followup. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Hi there,

    I’m sorry you’re having trouble connecting to LinkedIn. Can you please try these steps?

    1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to the Privacy & Settings page.
    2. In the bottom left, click the “Groups, Companies & Applications” tab.
    3. Look for the Applications section and click on “View your applications.”
    4. This should take you to a page called “Authorized External Applications.” Look for in the list on that page, check the box next to it, and then click the Remove button.
    5. Now, go back to Settings > Sharing on your blog and try setting up the LinkedIn connection again.

    Please let me know how that goes for you! If you run into any trouble, please let me know where you have trouble and what error message you get this time, and I’ll be happy to investigate further.

  • These steps worked perfectly, thank you. After removing WordPress as an app from LinkedIn, I was then able to successfully reconnect WordPress to LinkedIn.

  • Hi there.

    I tried this step. It did not work for me. It solved the problem of removing the error and took me to a page with my LinkedIN profile pic and a button with ‘Allow Access’. Once I click on that button, I still get the error “There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again.”

    If anyone else is still getting this problem, can they please advise how they got around it?

  • Try making sure you are logged out of LinkedIn (in which ever browser you are using for WordPress).

    And that you have the WordPress app removed from LinkedIn.

    I found that removing everything, logging out of everything, then starting all over again did help.

  • Thanks Rachel and David. Initially, it did not work that way but I eventually got it to work when I logged out of everything, killed all browser sessions and started a fresh browsing session. Cheers. Aaron

  • I tried all of the suggestions above and am still getting the ff error message: “There was a problem creating your connection. Please go back and try again.” Is there anything else I can do besides removing WP from LinkedIn, removing LinkedIn from WP, logging out of both LI and WP, clearing cache and starting new browser session?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I should add that when I hit the back button I also get a message form LinkedIn: “We were unable to find the authorization token”

  • @ysetteguevara – I just checked your account, and from here it looks like your blog is successfully connected to LinkedIn. If you don’t see the connection under Settings > Sharing in your dashboard, you may need to clear your browser’s cache once more and then check again.

    Please let me know if you have any trouble seeing the LinkedIn connection in your dashboard, or if you notice any issues with your blog posts not being publicized to LinkedIn. I’ll be happy to look into it!

  • Thanks, Rachel. I just kept trying and eventually it went thru. Things were weird for me on LinkedIn in general yesterday so maybe it was a glitch on their side.

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