Error after installing Zen Menu Logic Plugin and BAW Login/Logout Menu

  • Hi!

    I’m making a membership subdomain for my main website and I needed the two plugins mentioned in the topic. (Zen Menu Logic and BAW Login/Logout Menu) . I installed the first one without any problems but then while trying to install BAW the whole thing stopped, there was some error saying the installation wasn’t successful. I refreshed the page and now I can’t reach it. In the top left corner it says ‘no locations’.
    I’m using Enfold theme.

    Can somebody help me?

    Thank you,

  • Hi there,

    Can you please let me know your site’s address so I can point you in the right direction of getting support?

    Please note that these forums are for hosted sites only. If your site is using the open-source software you need to seek help at these forums:

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