eliminating duplicates of welcome page

  • Hi there,

    Now that I’ve done the full package, I have a technical question. I am a beginner on WordPress, so forgive me if this seems simple but I couldn’t figure it out… Question pertains to my different pages. My blog page contents disappeared, but my welcome page is under my blog heading. How can I just have one page for blogs (heading blog posts), and eliminate the the duplicate with the blog as header?

    Thank you!
    Badger Johnson 859-801-3137


    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Badger,

    Happy to help with this.

    It looks like the “Blog” menu item you’ve set up is actually linked to the “Welcome” page, which is why you’re seeing that page when you click on it.

    The “Blog” menu item can be removed by:

    1. Going to Appearance > Customize > Menus > Primary.
    2. Once there, click on the “Blog” menu item and select the red “Remove” link.
    3. You can then save your changes in the top right corner of the Customizer.

    You can also reorder your menu items in that Primary menu area. This handy guide can walk you through that: https://wordpress.com/support/menus/reorder-menu-items/#tab-customizer

    We offer some really cool free webinars that can help you boost your WordPress.com skills. Since you’re just starting out, I think you’ll find this beginner webinar super useful: https://wordpress.com/learn/courses/getting-started/

Reply to eliminating duplicates of welcome page