Editor isn't showing the right width

  • I’ve been using basic wordpress for a while now, but in the past few days suddenly the editor wont display at full width.

    When making a new block, I tend to insert a group, make it full width and then add a single layout grid, which leaves me with the full page width to work with. Now when I add anything into the page other than a group, even at full width, it only shows in the middle of the page. When I preview the page on desktop it looks as it should, full width and as I originally formatted it, but the editor wont go any bigger and its making formatting and inserting more media/blocks very difficult.

    I’m not sure why as it wasn’t doing so a week ago. Any help at would would be much appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    I’m not sure why as it wasn’t doing so a week ago.

    Thanks for letting us know. So it’s just the editor, and the posts are fine?

    If you open an older post, does it show up squished in the editor? We’ll be checking things from our end too.

  • Yeah it’s the editor for the page, the actual page itself goes full width but the editor seems stuck at the smaller width.

    I’ve been editing page 3 let’s call it and no problem, left it for a bit and went back to the site after a week to edit page 1 and the editor was like this, tried page 3 editor and now they’re all like it.

    I have another site that I haven’t been on for a few months and I’ve just tried it’s editor also and it’s doing the same.

  • I think it will help if you can point out a few specific pages where you are having this issue?

    I checked a few pages on your site and in the editor they loaded at full width. Is it just a specific page or two?

    I have another site that I haven’t been on for a few months and I’ve just tried it’s editor also and it’s doing the same.

    Is this an issue with any page that you open to edit? Or is it limited to specific pages as well? What is the URL of the site (or the URL of any specific pages on that site) so we can take a closer look?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • I played around with a page I have that has no content and it seemed pretty hit and miss on if it’d show it full width or not. If I add a block, say heading or text I can make it full width and it will look that way in the editor, but anything within a group or layout grid will stay in the original width, which in some pages has all the media of the page crammed in.

    Of the original site it was;
    FMP https://wordpress.com/page/kleighpalmerresearch.wordpress.com/29
    Exposure https://wordpress.com/page/kleighpalmerresearch.wordpress.com/30

    The other site is https://kleighpalmer.wordpress.com/

    Some specific pages/posts are these

  • I played around with a page I have that has no content and it seemed pretty hit and miss on if it’d show it full width or not. If I add a block, say heading or text I can make it full width and it will look that way in the editor, but anything within a group or layout grid will stay in the original width, which in some pages has all the media of the page crammed in.

    Update – I went back to the page I first found this problem on and manually changed every block so it refreshed as full width and it appears to have the editor displaying correctly. I’m going through the others now to see if it will stay this way if I reload the editor’s later.

    Though I’m still not sure why every single block across all pages on my account switched out of full width but only in the editor? I will keep updated on if this helps and if anyone else has any help they can share then thank you.

  • @kleighpalmer thanks for letting us know. Usually if it’s working in one browser and not another (like in this case, we weren’t able to see the issue on the posts you’d mentioned) I’d recommend clearing your browser cache like this:

    If there are any posts left that you hadn’t fixed and you decide to try that, let us know if it did the trick.

  • @kleighpalmer thanks for letting us know. Usually if it’s working in one browser and not another (like in this case, we weren’t able to see the issue on the posts you’d mentioned) I’d recommend clearing your browser cache like this:

    If there are any posts left that you hadn’t fixed and you decide to try that, let us know if it did the trick.

  • I cleared most browser cache but it didn’t seem to do much. The pages I hadn’t changed yet are still not full width in the editor but going through to manually change them all back to the right widths seems to work even if its time consuming.

    I’m not sure if wordpress updated or so but it seems I just have an additional step to do when setting up my blocks so that they stay the right width.

    Thank you for the assistance!

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