Editor Feedback

  • Is there a way to go back to the old version of the editor? The new one is practically unusable in terms of functionality.

  • I prefer using the classic editor, but when I went to use it this afternoon it was only in HTML. The tabs that used to be there to switch between Visual and HTML is missing and I can’t find an option anywhere to change it back to Visual. I already tried clearing the cache and it didn’t fix anything.

  • @mrnielson712, you can type /wp-admin to the end of your home page URL and then use the links in the menu on the left.

    Before you go back, is there anything I can do to help you work better in the new editor or can you tell me any detail about what specific things you are missing the most? If I know the specifics, I can help or at least maybe add something to the suggestion list for you.

  • The tweaks that would really help me are the following:

    1. Automatic word count. This is crucial, as others have pointed out.
    2. Please provide an easy link back to the old admin editor, so you can toggle between the new and old editors (instead of toggling only being allowed from old to new). This was suggested numerous times when the previous editor was rolled out and it was never implemented, nor was it ever explained why this was not possible (or desirable).

  • @stephaniesbookreviews, I see that you have made a duplicate help request here and I will reply to your first request at https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/missing-visual-editor-7?replies=2 as soon as I have a chance to test.

  • Thank you! New Post Editor is faster, better, cleaner, easier – Myammy101

  • 1. I can’t change the size of a featured image. When I insert a featured image there are no handle bars in any of the four corners to adjust the size or anything.

    2. I also can’t insert a gallery. I tried to with a few pics multiple times and it didn’t work.

    I use images a lot because I run a fashion blog, so these two things are crucial for my daily use.

    How do I fix these two issues?

    How do you fix this?

  • 1. I can’t change the size of a featured image. When I insert a featured image there are no handle bars in any of the four corners to adjust the size or anything.

    This is expected. The size of a featured image on the front end is determined by your theme, and each theme is unique. In the editor, the featured image is displayed large above the post so you can see it easily.

    2. I also can’t insert a gallery. I tried to with a few pics multiple times and it didn’t work.

    Did you try the following steps?

    1. Click the Add Media button
    2. Select more than one image
    3. Click the Continue button
    4. Click the Insert button

    If you got stuck, which part did you get stuck on and what happened exactly? Did you see any error message?

    Have you made sure you are using an updated browser version?

  • Thank you for telling us how to get the old editor (/wp-admin after home page URL). After one night of trying the new one, I am ecstatic that I can go back to the old one. Again, thank you.

  • Some good concepts, but certainly NOT fully baked and sure NOT ready for prime time.

    This is not a positive change for folks who are actually writing, editing, editing some more (on a laptop, not phone) and then previewing the post as it actually will be seen; all the tools and layouts are more aligned with one’s smart phone without any thought to how it will flow, look, or work with a laptop…to say nothing of the basics like catching spelling errors or watching word counts or inserting photos or galleries where you actually want them.

    Faster? maybe. But faster isn’t better unless everything else is in place and working for bloggers who actually look at their work with a professional lens and need the editing tools.

    The previous editor, while not perfect, could have been improved. It wasn’t. Instead, you just threw out the baby with the bathwater to develop something totally “new.” Not improved, just new. This is not the answer to making wordpress a better experience. Now, you’ve got a whole new set of problems to resolve while never having resolved the old ones.

    Sounds like a bunch of software engineers running amok again, looking for the newest, fastest most perfect answer.

    Hint: it doesn’t exist. Build and improve on what you know is working. Not as sexy but a lot more beneficial to your customers.

  • @holtzclawc, thank you for your feedback.

    The design was made with both desktop and smaller mobile devices in mind. Mobile devices are a very fast-growing part of web users, so we cannot ignore that. Design that works well on a larger desktop is equally considered.

    One thing you said caught my attention and that was that you couldn’t insert photos or galleries where you wanted them. That should be working. Can I help test this? What browser version are you using? When you try inserting a photo or gallery, do you do it by placing your cursor where you want the media to appear and then clicking the “Add Media” button? In that case, or in the case where you place the cursor and then drag an image in, the image should get placed where your cursor was. I tested in a few different browsers just now, and I was able to insert an image into the spot I intended by putting the cursor where I wanted the image to appear and then inserting the image.

  • Hi. I blog mainly from my iPhone, and I find it’s far more difficult to edit a post now than before. When holding my phone upright, I can’t read the entire post … It’s too wide, and I can’t slide the text to get to what I can’t see. If I turn my phone sideways so I can view everything, the update button follows me around making it a very frustrating situation. Is there something I need to be doing differently? Thank you.

  • I would like to still be able to click on an image in a post and see it full size. I have been working on a piece for quite a while, and pictures inserted prior to the editor change work fine, but ones uploaded/inserted afterward do not. The +/- controls don’t work to fix this.

  • I’m having trouble finding the button to make a blog post “sticky,” where it always lives on the top of my blog page with new content under it. Is this a feature that is still available or has it gone away with the new editor? Other than that, I like it a lot, thanks.

  • I too ***really*** would like the html toolbar back. I’m not interested in visual editors.
    – and apparently there is no way to “add media” from the html editor?

    – why is the text blue? It’s harder to read, especially in that font. I want black-on-white, please!
    – Also, all the controls are faded gray: also harder to read.
    – Also, that top-left hand well is visually distracting, with the bright green “Saving…” text appearing and the well changing size and shape while it saves, then changes back after it is done saving. (Note that my browser is set to use a 20 point font by default; you might need to do that to get this behavior to reproduce.)
    – Unless that well can be made less distracting, there really is a need for a distraction-free mode.

    The hierarchy of categories is back, huzzah! thank you.
    – *however*: it is now super-dangerously-easy to hit publish by mistake, because that top well containing it stays put while everything underneath it slides up and down and can be partially covered by the publish button. So it really does need an “are you sure” button.

    I also really want the link lookup back. And the word count.

    I’m concerned about how this “auto-saving all the time” feature is going to work on a slow internet connection when I’ve got other tabs open to social media sites that are live updating. This tab seems to be reloading very frequently.

    Oh my goodness, the preview is now a popup over the tab in which I’m editing??? That’s *horrible*. I really need to be able to go back and forth between the preview and my actual editor. Really, horribly useless.
    – oh wait, I found another response about this. Clicking on the box/arrow icon is unsatisfactory. Control-click is a workaround, I suppose. I’d rather have a sub-button for this, the way the Publish button has a sub-button for “Schedule”
    – Also, the preview is super-duper-slow to load. (And no, I still do not want to use the WYSIWYG editor.)
    – The icons that let you see the preview in different form factors are clever, though.

    Is there a reason it’s important for me to know that it is “Saving” right now? I mean, should I not be typing right then, or something? Or is it just to impress me with how often you’re saving my work? (Because if it’s that… please, don’t. Impress me with features instead.)

  • Someone upstream wrote:

    I also want my option and tools on the right, where they have always been, an option to put them on either side of the edit area would help a lot.

    Oh! Yes, this articulates something that makes me uncomfortable about the look&feel. I want these options&tools on the right, because I only interact with them occasionally. If they’re on the left, they’re much more in my field-of-attention, because we read from left to right.

  • As I’ve already asked for a return of the formatting buttons in HTML view during horizon feedback , I’m not sure if mentioning it again is necessary. :)

    I’m using HTML view because I’m used to creating my posts with HTML code and I occassionally tend to add inline CSS code.

    Apart from that I gave more thought to this. Why not using the same toolbar for HTML view? Just paste the corresponding HTML code instead of visually changing the appearance of the text.

    What I’m trying to say is, wouldn’t it be possible to change the output of the toolbar buttons depending on the type of editor (Visual, HTML) that is active?

    Martin K. aka iqatrophie

  • @myjourneymylife1, what browser version are you using on your phone and what type of phone do you have?

  • @dantestella

    I would like to still be able to click on an image in a post and see it full size. I have been working on a piece for quite a while, and pictures inserted prior to the editor change work fine, but ones uploaded/inserted afterward do not. The +/- controls don’t work to fix this.

    Can you pleas try the following? Click on the image after it has been inserted in the editor. Click on the link icon. Click the “Add Link” button.

  • Sorry, one more thing: the page up/page down buttons are not moving up and down one screen at a time. Instead they seem to be moving between the top and bottom of the text in my draft.

    And the Home/End keys now seem to toggle between the beginning & end of a *line*, instead of the top and bottom of the *page*.

    This is a dealbreaker: the editor is entirely unusable if I can’t use those keys to navigate while I edit.

    Is this perhaps a known bug in some browsers? I’m using Firefox 40.0.3 (& I know that’s a bit old) on a Windows 7 laptop.

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