Editor Feedback

  • Like @niankaraz I too miss the word count.

    Also, the new editor really feels optimized for mobile and not so useful for the desktop and laptop users. The new width is way too narrow for computer screens, with the white editing area using up less than half of the screen and the rest being wasted.

    When I am editing a table it is cut off! And then I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to grab the grey scroll bar, move it a bit, then scroll back up…

    (Also, in Microsoft Edge I am missing the Visual/Text tabs in the old editor under wp-admin, while in Chrome they are still there. Yesterday it was working in Microsoft Edge too)

  • designsimply, “@midnightwatcher, that one will need to be done manually via HTML or with custom CSS (if you have Premium or Business plan) or by switching back to the WP Admin editor. May I ask how often you manually add borders to links or can you post me to one of your posts that has them so I can see?”

    Are you saying that I now pretty much need to learn how to code HTML to do something that took only 2 clicks to complete with the previous editor? Am I understanding you correctly? I add borders to all photos.

  • @justloveromance

    1. Keeping the toolbar at the top while scrolling. It’s a huge frustration to scroll back up every time I need the toolbar.

    This should be the default. Can you tell me what browser version you are using?

    2. Easy editing of images from Media Library to post. Previously I had the option to edit alignment, link options, and size from the Media Library page itself. Now I cannot figure out how to do any of these things without going through several extra steps, or manually editing the HTML.

    All three things you mentioned are accessible by toolbar after an image is inserted. Click the image and an image toolbar will appear that contains alignment, sizing, and caption options. To add a link, click the image then click the link icon in the edit toolbar.

    3. Where did the spell check option go? It’s a minor thing, but I rely on it since my computer has a different language dictionary installed.

    So I understand correctly, the language dictionary on your computer doesn’t match what you want to use?

    4. The width of the post. I agree, it’s way too narrow.
    5. Word count! Please bring this option back. Right now I’m copying and pasting my post into a Word doc first to get my word count, because I rely on this number for my posts.

    I will add these to our suggestion list. Thank you for the feedback.

  • @myvermontkitchen, we don’t make announcements ahead of time for most changes but we do post many announcements at http://en.blog.wordpress.com/ as they are added.

    My problem is with the photos. Is there any way we can see the actual photos in editor? I keep going back and forth between editing, saving, then previewing to make sure everything is there. I also have problems because I go to post a photo and the link goes to the bottom of the page. I then have to cut and paste it where I want it to go.

    You should be able to see the actual photos in the editor. If you are referring to being able to place images exactly in the same spot inside the editor that they will appear on the front end, this is always an approximation on the web because of how content may be viewed at many different sizes in different monitor resolutions and browser widths and from different devices. The placement of images is not always exact on web pages like it is in desktop publishing apps. The best way to work with content for the web is to write and place images so they work well for a variety of widths in which they could be viewed.

  • Alright. Drag-and-drop to upload images is not working for me. I’m using Chrome 46.0.2490.86 on a Macbook Pro.

  • @whatsandrathinks

    2. Having to jump through hoops to change picture size in the editor is a huge nightmare.

    There shouldn’t be too many hoops for this. Click on the image after it is inserted and has fully uploaded and you should see -/+ icons appear in an image toolbar. Clicking on the -/+ icons will cycle through the preset image sizes: thumbnail, medium, large, and full size.

    If this editor is designed for phones, there should be one designed for laptops, too, and both should be available.

    The editor is designed for desktop and for phones—it works with both.

    8. I’ve also always wondered about the auto-double spacing in the visual editor (in this and other editors). That’s something else that should be able to be adjusted.

    Hold down the Shift key and press Enter to get a single line break instead of double. This is the same as in the WP Admin editor and many other web editors.

    1. I miss the toolbar at the top of the HTML editor.
    3. I also use the image border occasionally as another user mentioned. (example: HERE)
    4. The editor is too narrow. I rarely use my phone for posting/editing.
    5. The title in the editor is enormous (how can that be good on a phone??) and the font in the visual editor itself is also huge.
    6. The category and tag options — the category is default set to “Uncategorized” and when adding categories, I have to manually remove that one. Frustrating.
    7. I also miss the word count.

    Thanks for the rest of this feedback. They are all on the suggestion list.

  • I really like the new media tool. However, I really dislike the way that the post options (bolding, hyperlink, etc) don’t follow me when I scroll down the page. I use horizontal line breaks a lot, so it’s extremely inconvenient to have to scroll back up each time I need to use a line break. I also emphatically dislike that I can’t link to things I have posted.

  • Wow, the editor has actually become worse; each iteration of the newer interface appears to dumb down the interface and hide functionality.
    I’m guessing from the design push that WordPress is no longer for those who use HTML? No tools for you, you WILL use WYSIWYG!

  • 1. I need the word count.
    2. I have read all of the responses in this thread but nowhere is there any information about why these changes were necessary. It seems that instead of keeping things relative simple as they are and usable on a multitude of platforms there is a thrust to try and “dumb down” the whole wordpress experience. I am concerned that the work on the changes is incomplete and is being rolled out on the fly before it is ready. Simply adding things which were easily done before to a “to do” list seems to be somewhat amateur and premature.
    3. Is maintaining the former editor an option. If so how do I do it?

  • @jalexartis

    Thank for the new WYSIWYG editor. I like it a lot and easily find the functions I want. That is with one exception. I do not find the add pictures to an uploaded gallery. I enter edit gallery–no add.

    To create a gallery, click the “Add Media” button in the edit toolbar and select multiple images (or drag in several at once) before clicking the “Continue” button.

    Or if you are trying to add images to a gallery you already inserted, click on the gallery then click the edit icon. Click the “< Media Library” link near the top left to select more images then click “Continue” again.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

    Back at ya! It’s pretty cool to see great people writing great content with WordPress.com. :) Thanks for being a part of it!

  • Hi @painintheass1976, your username made me smile. :)

    Absolutely hate that I must now look up my own links when I want to link to my own material. For me this is a total deal breaker that far outweighs whatever improvements this new version has, because I link a lot to my own material.

    Link search for existing content is a planned update! Please hang in there.

  • @crokor

    Also, the new editor really feels optimized for mobile and not so useful for the desktop and laptop users.

    The editor is optimized for both.

    When I am editing a table it is cut off! And then I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post to grab the grey scroll bar, move it a bit, then scroll back up…

    I don’t have a better solution for editing the table at this time except to suggest editing it via HTML or by using an app such as Windows Live Writer which you might actually really like a ton. See https://en.support.wordpress.com/xml-rpc/windows-live-writer/ if you are interested.

    (Also, in Microsoft Edge I am missing the Visual/Text tabs in the old editor under wp-admin, while in Chrome they are still there. Yesterday it was working in Microsoft Edge too)

    My first recommendation for this one would be to try a basic troubleshooting step of clearing browser cache:

    If that doesn’t help, would you mind please staring a new help request with just that detail in it so we can separate it out from this larger thread about the new WordPress.com editor?

  • @midnightwatcher

    Are you saying that I now pretty much need to learn how to code HTML to do something that took only 2 clicks to complete with the previous editor? Am I understanding you correctly? I add borders to all photos.

    Yes, that is accurate. I’m really sorry it’s causing you trouble but a way to add borders has not been added to the new editor yet and what I can do to help is to include it in our suggestion list and I have done that for you.

    There is one other possible solution and that is to add custom CSS to add the borders to all images without having to edit them manually. It does require that you have purchased either the Premium or Business plan. If custom CSS for image borders sounds like something you would be interested in learning more about, let me know and I will help make a custom example for you that works with your current theme.

  • @epiren

    Alright. Drag-and-drop to upload images is not working for me. I’m using Chrome 46.0.2490.86 on a Macbook Pro.

    Hrm. It’s working for me. I just tested with Chrome 46.0.2490.80 on a Macbok Pro as well. I’m running OS X 10.10.5.

    When it doesn’t work, do you see any error messages or feedback of any kind?

    Do you have any browser extensions installed that could be interfering?

    Can you try from a different browser on the same computer as a test to see if the problem is limited to just one browser for you?

  • @joiewilder

    I really like the new media tool. However, I really dislike the way that the post options (bolding, hyperlink, etc) don’t follow me when I scroll down the page.

    Can you please try clearing your browser cache as a troubleshooting step?

    If that doesn’t help, can you please tell me what browser and browser version you are currently running? Would it be possible for you to try from a different browser on the same computer as a test to see if the problem is limited to just one browser for you?

  • @sailstrait, thank you for your feedback.

    I have read all of the responses in this thread but nowhere is there any information about why these changes were necessary. It seems that instead of keeping things relative simple as they are and usable on a multitude of platforms there is a thrust to try and “dumb down” the whole wordpress experience. I am concerned that the work on the changes is incomplete and is being rolled out on the fly before it is ready. Simply adding things which were easily done before to a “to do” list seems to be somewhat amateur and premature.

    The changes are necessary to take advantage of a new infrastructure that will help WordPress.com work better for the millions of blogs that it hosts and with the latest browsers. There will always be a need to stay updated and so WordPress.com will always be changing. Things are changing at a faster pace than normal right now, and in the long-term this is a choice we make in order to speed up development and get to a better overall experience much faster than we could if we did it another way.

    Is maintaining the former editor an option. If so how do I do it?

    If you prefer, you may continue using the old editor by typing in /wp-admin at the end of your home page URL and using the links in the navigation on the left side.

  • In the old version I could upload up to 50 images at a time and have the drop down menu to show only the photos I uploaded to that post. Now, I am lucky to be able to upload 1 or 2. I just tried to upload 6 and failed several times. I rebooted my computer, I double checked connection to internet… and still same problem. Also, all of my photo thumbnails are now square. I need to be able to see the thumbnails as horizontal or vertical.

  • @designsimply

    Cleared the cache and that did the trick. I can upload multiple pictures at once, too. Sure, I have to log in (using 2-step authentication) to every single account now, but those are first world problems by comparison.

  • @photographybybrandy, you should be able to upload several images at a time the same way you could before. Are you dragging them into the media modal or are you using the Add Media > Add New buttons? Can you confirm you are using an up-to-date browser version?

    The image thumbnails are square in the first view after clicking the Add Media button in the editor. You can see larger versions before they are inserted by clicking the Add Media button, selecting image(s), and then clicking the Edit icon. From there, you can see the full image and adjust image details and if you are creating a gallery, you can click the arrows on the left and right side of each image to cycle through them.

  • @epiren, thank you for trying the troubleshooting step and for the follow-up!

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