Editor Feedback

  • @mountaincoward
    Every thread you create or post into can be found by clicking the member link under your username in any support forum thread. https://en.forums.wordpress.com/profile/mountaincoward

    Why are you posting here?

  • It was because my photos lost the ‘a href’ section from the coding (and it never came back). That meant the photos, when clicked on, just stayed ‘dead’ in the post and didn’t go to the gallery and provide a full size/resolution image as before the editor changes.

    I did actually get a chance to ‘chat’ online with a WordPress staff member one night though – a chat option just popped up on my screen corner while I was logged in to my blog. He suggested a new way to make the photos work properly from the ‘visual’ edit option (I always use the text one). Unfortunately, although it worked for him, it still wouldn’t work for me.

    He then managed to simulate my browser and my operating system and load a photo into the blog which worked normally for him. So, in the end we weren’t sure why it wouldn’t work for me but seems to be to do with my setup.

    I was a bit disappointed not to get any kind of reply before you replied on this post though and until the chat option appeared on my session! Apparently the chat session only appears for us non-paying users when the support staff aren’t busy with paying customers so I was just lucky.

    Sorry for the long-winded reply!

  • Just spotted an answer from ‘Supernovia’ which actually works – even on my setup! Quote:

    For the media upload in the wp-admin editor, here’s what I did:

    Click the media icon
    Upload an image
    On the right, scroll down to Attachment Display Settings
    Under “Link To” choose “Media File”
    Insert into post

    thanks Timethief and Supernovia! :-)

  • That’s what I just spotted on the r/h side of this forum topic – thanks anyway Timethief (see my reply above)

  • Please, please let us use a classic editor. There are so many – I would say the majority – of users missing the old editor.

  • @ombiaombia
    I already posted exactly how to do that here for you https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/access-old-editing-format/page/2?replies=64#post-2537941

    Staff have not responded to this thread for a long time ie. 1 month and are not likely to respond to it now.

  • Really like the Windows Desktop app, but I miss the spell checker. It would also be useful the have a Font selector

  • I found a workaround for pasting image text into a caption (only when inserting the image though). When inserting the image, click on the little pencil icon on the image preview before clicking insert. Paste the caption in the caption box there, then click insert.

    Please fix the bug anyway though because it’s still annoying.

  • Now I cannot use the new editor anymore at all, can’t reach my reader (so can’t add new blogs to follow), can’t reach anything backstage (only the ‘classic’ part). I thought it was a software problem on my side, but I know of s/o else with the same issue.

    Additional, just to mention it, there’s still the old problem with the ‘classic’ eitor: longer text I want to add to or edit jumps out of the window each time I hit a key and so I can’t see what I write and thus can’t use that editor either.

    Posting in this thread has indeed proven to be utterly useless.

    Because it has become technically impossible for me I am stopping blogging with WP.com as of now.

    I know that this doesn’t matter at all and n/o cares but me (and maybe a few readers I had). So I am writing this post just for me.

  • @heckenwicke
    Staff have not responded to this thread for a long time ie. 1 month and are not likely to respond to it now.

    Additional, just to mention it, there’s still the old problem with the ‘classic’ eitor: longer text I want to add to or edit jumps out of the window each time I hit a key and so I can’t see what I write and thus can’t use that editor either.

    I don’t have that issue in the classic editor. Jumping around behavior like you describe is a browser related issue. Make sure you are running a browser and version of it found at http://browsehappy.com or upgrade if required. If you still have that issue then Start a thread in the Support Forum please https://en.forums.wordpress.com/?new=1

    if you start a new thread then be sure provide this specific info in your new thread:
    (a) Exactly what kind of device you are using to connect to the internet and to WordPress.com.
    (b) Exactly which browser (and version of it) you’re using by checking here if necessary http://supportdetails.com/
    (c) Exactly what you experience including exactly what any error reports you receive state.
    (d) Screenshots can be helpful. You can use http://snag.gy/ or http://cloudup.com to share screenshots and link to them here. If you use the WordPress.com guide for screenshots http://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot/ you can and upload it to your Media Library, and return to this thread to provide the file name so Staff can examine it.

    Then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? https://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-help-in-the-forums/#how-do-i-get-a-moderatorstaff-reply-for-my-question Then please subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Dear timethief, I did notice you doing staff work around here, so thanks a lot to you.

    I am using Firefox on Linux Mint (latest versions) and I don’t intend to change that.

    Months ago I have started a thread with my jumping-text issue on the German support forum. No help there.

    And frankly, by now I am too fed up even to read through your long instructions, and I am even less inclined to try any of it. I got other things to do.

    It even annoys me that you take so much time to type this stuff – it’s not your job. Do you get paid for this? (If yes: GOOD! Don’t think so though.)

    I am tired of workarounds. I got an updated, quite common system over here, and if WP.com doesn’t run on it, then, heck, it doesn’t work.

    Also, most of my problems are not mine alone, others have them too.
    Like, not being able to reach the new editor AT ALL, or, before that, jumping into the tag-area while trying to type blog-text.
    And that’s just two issues, I got a a very long list by now.
    I only mentioned my ‘classic’-editor problem to show that I got no working alternative. I can’t blog any more.

    I’m moving back to my own board to blog and keep connected to the fine community I found on WP.com by commenting (that still works, phew).

  • @heckenwicke
    I’m so sorry you are experiencing this. Are you sure you don’t want to start a new thread and tag it with modlook for Staff help?

    P.S. Thanks for the kind words re: my support. Yes, I’m a Volunteer and I’m approaching the 10 year mark so I think I may be the longest serving one now.

  • Hey, after posting this I was a bit worried my annoyance might have hit you, too, coz that’s the last thing I want; now I am glad to see it’s not the case. :)

    I’m taking the liberty to vent and also to chat a bit here – no need to read on. X) So I’ll say Thank you, timethief! once again right now.

    And here goes.
    If this is inappropriate, well, staff can come and delete this. But staff doesn’t come here any more… :P

    I did screenshots long before I had internet, I know how to upload pix (and I sure don’t need any unwieldy WP.com Media Library for that). I have always been able to get my system to do what I want it to do, Windows and Linux. And I know what real support is, e.g. from various Linux forums. I know I have to do my part of the work if I want support (e.g. things you have described above); I have done so before.
    But in this case I don’t believe it would be worth it in any way. It’d just be a waste of my time and more annoyance. The new editor, that unfinished crap of smartphone service, pushed on the users for beta-testing, is proof of it.

    I really wonder if any of the issues that folks have complained about in this thread have been resolved by now. I don’t know, coz I can’t reach the new editor any more. Is there a html toolbar by now? I bet there’s none. Does the left sidebar (specially the tagging area) still not scroll with the page? I bet it doesn’t.

    And so on.

    I do feel a bit better :D And now back to my own board. I got blogposts to write.

  • @heckenwicke,

    They’ve added a few functions back the new editor, however there is no HTML toolbar and the dashboard sidebar no longer scrolls with the editor field (I’m using a large monitor and have avoided the new editor, so I never noticed this new “feature”).

    The new editor is too narrow, with no ability to enlarge the field enough to get an accurate sense what the post will look like. The field itself is all-but-invisible—the toolbar oddly just floats in the middle of the screen.

    These are the same complaints others have registered repeatedly, but it’s obvious that these concerns aren’t registering. They’ve made it more difficult to access the tried and true editor and dashboard, and we can only wonder if it will be a matter of time before they remove the older, more efficient and more reliable tools.

    Simply stated, the new editor is awful. Many of us agree with you on that account, but it’s quite evident that they are no longer interested in feedback or user comments. It means that users will have to continue to use bookmarks to access the older tools, adapt to the new tools, leave for another service or self-hosting, or cease blogging altogether.

    It’s unfortunate that it has come to this.

    On an unrelated note, I second your note of thanks to Timethief. She has done yeoman’s service on these boards for years. Many of us owe her a debt of gratitude for her work.

  • i’ve finally made it thru all these posts, because i wanted to know what everyone else thought.

    MY problem with the site is rather simple: i don’t like the look and feel of it. by comparison with the “classic” editor, this one is very BRIGHT, and seems glazed over, instead of distinguishing sections at a glance, i really have to know what i’m doing. the classic editor was more “high contrast”, with darks and lights used to make text stand out. this is especially nice for people with vision problems. sure making the text larger helps, but then you don’t have any room to work with.

    if your main concern is the integration with mobile devices, then perhaps you should stick with the responsive design, and when the site detects a desktop-sized screen, have it load the desktop-friendlier version.

    and i still don’t understand the logic behind removing the link back to the classic WP-Admin page. you would think that would stem the tides of angry users, and how much space did one button take up? you could put it in the top bar, which takes up way too much space presently, especially for just the 5 buttons that are on it. or even better, make it an option in the Settings menu. it would be far simpler, and you could still set the new look as the default. everybody’s happy :)

    one more thing i don’t like, and that is the fact that the majority of the options/functions seem to have just disappeared. this seems to be what has most users in an uproar. most web services like this will add new features, NOT take them away. but at a glance, it looks like Tools, half the Settings menu, and many of the other little features (which add up, trust me) have just vanished, or been moved to a new location (which is better, but still frustrating), and so longtime users are understandably miffed.

    you can say that people will just get used to these changes, but that is what Microsoft said about Windows 8, before a glut of people started returning their new computers to the stores after one day of use, and is what prompted many of the changes in Windows 8.1, and eventually Windows 10.

    i work with computers more than websites, but i still manage some webs, among them being WordPress. and one of the things that makes my job harder is when i have to relearn ways to do things. i realize that the internet is a constantly changing thing, and that is fine, as long as it is a change for the better. but all the new design seems to do is emulate the Apple iOS design, which is useless for Desktop users. and i would venture to guess that more Desktop users manage websites than mobile users. even if you have more people that have installed your mobile app, i’d wager that some of them are actually Desktop users who wanted to see what the app is like, but never really use it…just my thoughts.

  • i’ve finally made it thru all these posts, because i wanted to know what everyone else thought.

    MY problem with the site is rather simple: i don’t like the look and feel of it. by comparison with the “classic” editor, this one is very BRIGHT, and seems glazed over, instead of distinguishing sections at a glance, i really have to know what i’m doing. the classic editor was more “high contrast”, with darks and lights used to make text stand out. this is especially nice for people with vision problems. sure making the text larger helps, but then you don’t have any room to work with.

    if your main concern is the integration with mobile devices, then perhaps you should stick with the responsive design, and when the site detects a desktop-sized screen, have it load the desktop-friendlier version.

    and i still don’t understand the logic behind removing the link back to the classic WP-Admin page. you would think that would stem the tides of angry users, and how much space did one button take up? you could put it in the top bar, which takes up way too much space presently, especially for just the 5 buttons that are on it. or even better, make it an option in the Settings menu. it would be far simpler, and you could still set the new look as the default. everybody’s happy :)

    one more thing i don’t like, and that is the fact that the majority of the options/functions seem to have just disappeared. this seems to be what has most users in an uproar. most web services like this will add new features, NOT take them away. but at a glance, it looks like Tools, half the Settings menu, and many of the other little features (which add up, trust me) have just vanished, or been moved to a new location (which is better, but still frustrating), and so longtime users are understandably miffed.

    you can say that people will just get used to these changes, but that is what Microsoft said about Windows 8, before a glut of people started returning their new computers to the stores after one day of use, and is what prompted many of the changes in Windows 8.1, and eventually Windows 10.

    i work with computers more than websites, but i still manage some webs, among them being WordPress. and one of the things that makes my job harder is when i have to relearn ways to do things. i realize that the internet is a constantly changing thing, and that is fine, as long as it is a change for the better. but all the new design seems to do is emulate the Apple iOS design, which is useless for Desktop users. and i would venture to guess that more Desktop users manage websites than mobile users. even if you have more people that have installed your mobile app, i’d wager that some of them are actually Desktop users who wanted to see what the app is like, but never really use it…just my thoughts.

  • So far I only have one problem with the editor but it’s been mentioned several times: I can’t “unstick” a post now. My only options under visibility are Public, Private, and Password Protected. It’s highly frustrating, although I may just be hungry as it’s past my lunchtime. I would really like to get the stick/unstick option back, though!

  • themacabreauthor

    have not responded to this thread since last year and are unlikely to respond to it now.

    We always do tag searches vefore we post into threads or create new ones. Take note of what tag search produces:
    remove sticky designation
    remove sticky posts designation from posts

  • Oh, P.S. – I am having to use the old editor for that function. Special thanks to timethief for the idea. ^_^

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