Editor Feedback

  • Regarding picture editing – I usually just upload photos from my phone and they are often the wrong way round or need a little crop – it was easy to do this with the old version. My photos aren’t sophisticated, just little illustrations of things I’ve captured. If I want to do something more fancy, I save them and edit them before uploading. I’ve worked out how to get back to the old system for the moment but it would be good to be able to do this in the new one.

  • I hope there is no plan or intention to delete the proper editor in favour of this terrible cut down version, clearly driven by the curse of the mobile phone.

    My head needs width to work in, regardless of the final theme layout, which I can see in preview if I need to.

    I also want my option and tools on the right, where they have always been, an option to put them on either side of the edit area would help a lot.

    But I will be sticking with the original ‘full flavour’ editor, as long as it’s there.

    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  • I agree with apo11o. I have no intention on using a less-functional & too-blue editor however “new and high speed” it claims to be.

    Thank you to WP for keeping the classic editor with all its functions available to us who enjoy using it.

  • @jgulland, thank you for the background info!

    @apo11o, there are currently no plans to remove the WP Admin editor completely. Links to that editor, however, are being removed and you will need to access WP Admin using a bookmark or by typing in /wp-admin at the end of your home page link.

  • I can’t find a way to set a post as a featured post anymore. Have to go click through to the old admin page.

  • @kthup1, do you mean a sticky post? (if yes, see this)

  • I love WordPress but I am feeling a little stressed out about some of these changes. I like the old buttons across the top of the editor. I also like the old width. I do my blogging on a computer, and am more comfortable when the writing window is wider.

    My BIG issue, though, is with the posting of pictures. I NEED to be able to select what size picture to include within the body of my blog. With the old editor I selected “original” which, in my case, was always big, as I share hi-res scans of vintage pictures. My readers could click the image in my blog post, be taken to a new window where they could enlarge the picture and then save the blown up, hi-res version. This has vanished and you can’t click on images that have been posted with this new editor. Please fix or please tell me what I’m doing wrong! Thank you so much!! :)

  • I have to admit, I’m extremely disappointed with this update. I find that a lot of the features I use regularly are either no longer available, work poorly, or do not exist at all. A lot of this has already been mentioned before, but adding my vote in as well.

    1. Keeping the toolbar at the top while scrolling. It’s a huge frustration to scroll back up every time I need the toolbar.
    2. Easy editing of images from Media Library to post. Previously I had the option to edit alignment, link options, and size from the Media Library page itself. Now I cannot figure out how to do any of these things without going through several extra steps, or manually editing the HTML.
    3. Where did the spell check option go? It’s a minor thing, but I rely on it since my computer has a different language dictionary installed.
    4. The width of the post. I agree, it’s way too narrow.
    5. Word count! Please bring this option back. Right now I’m copying and pasting my post into a Word doc first to get my word count, because I rely on this number for my posts.

    I’ve seen other people mention that we can still access the old version of this page… where to I find that? I would much rather not use the new version until it’s updated to include the features I need.

  • Hello,

    Imagine my surprise today when I went to post my blog and came upon this major change. I wish WordPress had contacted everyone to apprise this change was going to happen. Maybe you did and I missed it, but if not, that would have been appreciated. Just a comment for future changes.

    My problem is with the photos. Is there any way we can see the actual photos in editor? I keep going back and forth between editing, saving, then previewing to make sure everything is there. I also have problems because I go to post a photo and the link goes to the bottom of the page. I then have to cut and paste it where I want it to go.

    Thank you,


  • @dandelionsalad thank you. It’s unfortunate that we have to find work-arounds and go out of our way just to get basic features for our posts! I really hope WP listens to the feedback and makes some changes very soon.

  • I am also extremely disappointed with this new “improved” editor. It is not user-friendly at all.

    1. I miss the toolbar at the top of the HTML editor.
    2. Having to jump through hoops to change picture size in the editor is a huge nightmare.
    3. I also use the image border occasionally as another user mentioned. (example: HERE)
    4. The editor is too narrow. I rarely use my phone for posting/editing. If this editor is designed for phones, there should be one designed for laptops, too, and both should be available.
    5. The title in the editor is enormous (how can that be good on a phone??) and the font in the visual editor itself is also huge.
    6. The category and tag options — the category is default set to “Uncategorized” and when adding categories, I have to manually remove that one. Frustrating.
    7. I also miss the word count.
    8. I’ve also always wondered about the auto-double spacing in the visual editor (in this and other editors). That’s something else that should be able to be adjusted.

    I just really don’t care the for whole look and feel of this new editor. It’s like I’m using a tiny mobile app on my laptop. I don’t understand why this would be the only editor (I understand the old one is still there, but again, a pain to access it now). If this update is designed for phones, there should clearly be two editors — one for mobile and one for laptops/desktops. And users should be able to choose and set their preferred selection to default. Basically, the site is now a mobile app. But there’s already a mobile app…

  • Never received an answer on this:

    one more thing–when you click respond in a new post from the daily post prompt, (same for the photo prompt victory) it doesn’t add a ping back at the bottom of the post like it did in the old editor. You have manually do it. Can you fix that? Or remove the button because it’s useless. Also when you click respond in a new post, it used to create a new post with that trackback for my primary account now there’s this unnecessary step in between asking me to select my blog. The other blogs are Blogging U classes. I wouldn’t post a prompt to their sites. Can you make it not ask you to select your blog? or add some way of indicating which is my primary blog to save steps?

  • Thank for the new WYSIWYG editor. I like it a lot and easily find the functions I want. That is with one exception. I do not find the add pictures to an uploaded gallery. I enter edit gallery–no add.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!


  • @mkucsera I’ve created an issue for the Daily Post prompt links no longer working in the new Editor (they’ve been hidden for now) so we can support this. In the meantime you can just include a link to the Daily Post prompt in your post content for the pingback to work.

  • @jalexartis Hi James, when adding media just click on multiple images and they will be inserted as a gallery

  • @metromoviestar, thank you for your feedback.

    My BIG issue, though, is with the posting of pictures. I NEED to be able to select what size picture to include within the body of my blog. With the old editor I selected “original” which, in my case, was always big, as I share hi-res scans of vintage pictures. My readers could click the image in my blog post, be taken to a new window where they could enlarge the picture and then save the blown up, hi-res version. This has vanished and you can’t click on images that have been posted with this new editor. Please fix or please tell me what I’m doing wrong! Thank you so much!! :)

    Images are now inserted at full size by default, which should work best for hi-res scans of vintage pictures like you’ve described. To make the images link back to themselves, insert the image first then click the link icon in the editor toolbar. The field is pre-filled with a direct link to the original image or you can use a custom link if there’s a case where that’s needed instead.

  • You are welcome, justloveromance. I so agree with you, however, many, many bloggers complained when the “New, Beep, Beep, Boop too-blue to use, less functional editor” came out and then WP eliminated the cookies to use the old, classic editor. Some of the feedback from bloggers did aid in the “new” editor now, but it is still less functional, so why bother using it at all?

  • Absolutely hate that I must now look up my own links when I want to link to my own material. For me this is a total deal breaker that far outweighs whatever improvements this new version has, because I link a lot to my own material.

  • Oh yes, I forgot to mention the link lookup instead of being able to choose from your past material. Another huge nuisance. So that’s #9 to add to my previous post.

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