Editor Feedback

  • I really wish you would bring back the spellcheck and word count. Also, the viewing pane could be wider.

  • @cindygurmann

    1)What happened to the proofreader prompt? I prefer to manualy proofread during my writing.

    Proofreading/spellchecking was not included in the launch of the new Editor but is on our list of future enhancements. I will add your vote for bringing this feature back.

    2) Is there a way to change the edit view to be wider as it was previously – it now cuts off half of the title and in general I prefer the wide view when writing.

    The Editor width cannot be adjusted at present, but we have received this feedback from a few users and do plan to revisit the width in the future.

  • @modernoracle Thanks for the feedback! Both Contact Forms and linking to existing content are on our shortlist of features to bring back and I will add your votes so we can prioritize them appropriately.

  • @ccarter008 Thank you, I’ve added your votes for those features being added to the new Editor.

  • @designsimply
    I meant with the URL embedding image/video content thing. I did notice in a previous response that adding a URL would embed automatically, That’s not too bad but it would have been handy to have some sort of explanation/tutorial for this, save people wondering how to do it.

    I have just also noticed that there is no spell check, I think this feature should have been added in.

    To be honest, I think the new editor has pretty much everything we’re used to but it’s all been hidden away behind buttons and stuff, I think a tutorial would be massively helpful.

    I stick to what I said before, the list of previous posts when doing a hyperlink is a must, must , must.

  • How can i switch back to the old editor?

  • Thank you for your reply – however I write everyday and so this current editor without spellcheck, the option for a wider width view, issues with copy and pasting from other sites as well as other issues renders this unusable for me – how do I return to previous editor until you fix the new one?

  • @longjohnholmes @cindygurmann the classic editor can be accessed by adding /wp-admin/post-new.php to the end of your site address and can be bookmarked for future reference. The previous editor available at wordpress.com/post is no longer available.

  • Get me off of this thread. I’m tired of the emails.

  • @painintheass1976 if you open this thread in your browser on the right hand side you will see a link to “Unsubscribe from Topic”

  • kirskarkoski
    I did that and I’m still getting emails.

  • I like the new editor on the whole, but I miss the COPY POST function that is available in the old Dashboard editor version. As I use the copy function a lot, unfortunately, I can’t work with the new editor. Are you perhaps considering adding the COPY function?

  • @maraeastern Yes, we will consider bringing that to the new Editor in the future, though I will say it’s lower on the priority list than things like word count and spell check since it wasn’t ever added to the old editor, only the classic one in WP Admin

  • You no longer seem to be able to just go into a scheduled post and press Publish if you decide to publish it early. You have to fiddle about working what time it is now, then changing the time to a few minutes ahead of now. Why mess around with something that worked well? Instead, why not improve that weird old fashioned bit it keeps throwing you into when you need to edit photos etc? It is so difficult to persuade it to save your cropped photo and apply it to the post you’ve been working on.

  • No thank you. I work on a computer and will continue to use the fully functional and familiar “classic editor.”

  • The new editor will take some getting used to. I still love to use the old editor personally. Which can only be accessed when editing a post through the all posts link. Anyway, it looks so generic. Is there anything that can be done so that it doesn’t look so… plain? Also, where are the photo options (like size, whether or not we want our photos clickable, etc). I need those back.

  • Hi, here is my feedback.
    I absolutely prefer the old editor interface. So that doesn’t mean that the new one is bad but i would like to get a user choice between the intferface appearance.
    The clear design is ok but i want some “edges” in the appearance.

    Its possible to use much more screen space while using a pc and the editor could get a drop down menu on the right side for catchwords.

    Something to fix: If you switch between Visuell and html, the toolbar on top of the editor field is missing while html is selected.

    Hope its helpful :)

  • Wow, this is really neat. Will I be able to drag photos from my photo’s gallery and add them to a blog?

  • I for one don’t care one way or the other about the new editor, except for one thing. The posting of images has now been broken and not in a good way. What happened to the ability to click on an image to see an enlarged version of it? I post my images as a small (300px) version so they don’t take up the whole screen initially and if someone wants to look at the larger version, they can click on it to do so.

    Also, there now appears to be no easy way to add Alt Text tags to an image. Why in the world would this be removed? I’d like the ability to add Alt Text back please.

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