Editor Feedback

  • Hi! Ever since the new UI, the one thing I’ve missed terribly is the ‘Request Feedback’ feature on posts. I’ve had to switch to the classic dashboard every time I need to use it. Since it isn’t available on the Android app either, it’s virtually impossible to get the option on the browser version of WordPress.com

    The stats look great but I still find myself switching to the classic dashboard only for the ‘summaries’ section. This is easier in the Android app, but a little inconvenient on the browser.

    Appreciate all the good stuff you guys are delivering. Keep going!

  • Ack! I managed to replace 4 paragraphs of text with a “read more” line when I meant to indent. Then I couldn’t undo back to when I had the paragraphs. Somehow my draft on my phone didn’t have the “read more” line and I was able to email myself the lost text. Was the inability to undo a result of the new autosaving feature? If so, it messed me up tonight.

    The flip side? It looks nicer, and I’m sure autosave will rescue me in the near future. I was just surprised today.

  • Now when I edit my posts there is no tool bar for the HTML i.e before it had buttons for ul,/ul,po,/po?

    Also the toolbar for the visual editing nolonger floats, and disappears when you scroll down your post text which makes formatting really difficult.

  • @designsimply thx for you response. You are right, when I tries to put a Youtube in the txt it worked. But if I copy/paste it in the – insert URL – it doesn’t work.
    The video I tried to embed wasn’t supported. It was a interview from the RTL site. :-)
    Thank you for your help

  • Hi!
    I noticed your new cleaner version of the blog and love how fresh it looks, however I have some feedback with the new layout:

    1. When I am posting a new blog, the toolbar stay at the top and can be quite tedious to scroll up all the time, especially if I am trying to make my headings the same. Can you put this back in?

    2. The schedule and publish now buttons look like there isn’t an option to schedule. I have hit publish on posts that I needed to schedule by accident a few times. Is there a way to make it more obvious that you need to expand the bar to schedule?

    Other than those two things, I really love the changes.


  • Editors,

    I am still having problem with a lot of functionality after embedding images into my post/page.

    – I do not get the Alignment/Add Caption tool bar as many said on ALL images, most of my image tool bar only given a big ‘X’ as remove choice.
    – Before this I had to save draft after posting image, reload the page, then the toolbar appear.
    – Now the refresh method doesn’t work anymore, all my new embedded images only features a ‘X’ in the tool bar and I can’t add caption nor edit the link without going through HTML.

    Can you guys at the very least return the old editor as a preference while you guys iron out all the problems in the new editor? Pretty please?

  • The suggestion of using wp-admin as the old alternative only goes well with users that are used to such system prior. The editor is still top priority because prior to the current new editor, the previous one was good enough for the non-geek to get it going real quick.

    My current grudge against the new editor is there’s no clear indication where all the said features has been moved to, plus the said features are being really buggy(as I mentioned the align/caption/link URL isn’t working properly for embedding images).

  • And having to switch between 2 totally different interface to access missing features, circumvent bugs is NOT OK and totally defeats the whole objective of the new editor intention to bring speed and simplicity to WordPress, it’s counter productive at the moment.

  • please give us the old editor back there are too many issues with this new version.

  • I have several problems with this new editor:

    1. If I scroll down using “page down”, I get back to the same place in the document over and over again, and I have to use the scrolling device at the right.

    2, The search function doesn’t work. (“Mark all” works, but I don’t see why I should have to use this,)

    3. If I click “Preview”, I cannot get back to the editor; it just stays on preview.

    I would like to get back to the older editor, which worked very well for me.

  • Good morning. I am catching up.

  • @whatsandrathinks, you are right that adding a border and changing custom image sizes are missing. What I can do to help is track what issues come up the most from everyone, so hearing your feedback is good. Thank you for writing it.

    @celiacathlete, good suggestion. I will see what I can do to get support documents updated faster. Some of what I see in this thread will help inform that effort.

    @tedstrutz, great! Thank you for the follow-up.

    @rockandrollmama, about the featured image, it is used differently by each theme that takes advantage of that option. So the featured image is set in the editor and displayed so you can see it but it could be used in a number of different ways by your theme. To find out how a featured image is used, you can check your theme’s documentation and demo site and there is general information about featured images at http://en.support.wordpress.com/featured-images/ if you are interested.

    @rockandrollmama, your comment has several items in it, so I’m going to answer the rest in another reply which I am working on now.

  • @rockandrollmama, let me see what I can do to help. It appears some of what you’re trying to do is working and you just need some help finding how to do them. Forgive me if I have made a wrong assumption in any answers, and just let me know what else you need help with.

    But what I do use, which is part of my theme as a blogger, is a link to a youtube video at the end of every one of my blog posts.

    If you put a YouTube link onto a line by itself in the editor, it will turn into an embedded video.

    The ability to just cut and paste a URL seems to be completely gone now.

    This should work unless you have the “Paste as Text” option toggled in the editor. It should not be on by default, so you may have clicked it by mistake. To check, make sure the 2nd row of edit toolbar icons is showing or click the three dots on the right of the toolbar to make them show. Click the icon that looks like a clipboard with a “T” in it until the icon does not have a border around it. If plain text mode is off, you should be able to copy and paste a link from another source, such as a web page, into the visual editor and it should work. I tested it just now to make sure it’s still working as expected, and it worked in my test.

    If you meant you want to cut and paste a link to make an image linked (?) then copy the link, click on an image in the editor, click on the link icon in the edit toolbar, paste the link, click the “Add Link” button.

    I had to highlight text and make that clickable and put my link there.

    This is just another way to add a link, but what I described above is probably what you want.

    Before when I clicked “insert media” I could just C&P a URL. It used to show the youtube link and a preview picture of the video I linked to. I spent like 10 minutes looking around for this and couldn’t find what happened to it. PLEASE bring this capability back.

    Ah, yes. You should just C&P the YouTube link directly into the editor. Can you try that?

    If I want to include a list of URLs at the end illustrating my favorite brands and types of telescoping boom cranes for God’s sake, I should be able to just include the list of URLs – preview pictures or not.

    If the links are on on a separate line alone, then you should be able to post a list of URLs. If you’re having trouble with that, try using a bulleted list and let me know if you’re still having trouble after that and I will look into it.

    I’m mostly glad I came here so I could find that there is a way to access the old editor, which I strongly prefer in just about every capacity. I dislike the shady hiding of it and having to “remember” to add some weird ending onto a url that I type in, but if I must, I must. I will be using that going forward.

    I’m glad too! We would have never gotten your feedback about the new editor if you hadn’t seen it first and posted here.

    I do have one final Q: is one able to start a draft in the new editor, save it and switch to the old?

    Certainly. Drafts in the new WordPress.com editor are saved automatically. Once it is saved, you can switch back and forth any time.

  • I agree with the pasting from a URL, That feature was great.
    I need to say this now because I think this is a very, very poor decision.
    When I click to hyperlink, there is no list of previous content!

    No. No. No. :( this makes me so, so unhappy. I used that option all the time in my editing and now I have to have a separate window open of my blog so that I can find the post I want to link to and C+P the link??? That’s like going back to the dark ages for me!
    I don’t know if anyone agrees but I really think that is a vital option, almost every blogger I know links back to their previous content, we’re even taught/told about doing it during blogging 101 and 201.

    Please, WordPress, please please bring that feature back. As a Parenting blogger I need to be able to do my posts quickly and removing the option to just search through previous content makes it so much more difficult for me.


  • I used to pin a post to the top of my site, so that it would appear at the beginning, but now that option isn’t available and my new content is all the way at the bottom. This was a function I used very consistently.

  • @guaromekano, thank you for posting more detail about your workflow for adding flickr links. That is helpful to me. Would you mind replying back here with an example flickr link that you use? I would like to see if you are using one that ends in .jpg or not and I would like to do some further testing based on what you wrote.

    @opalflame, thanks! I’ve logged your suggestions. Regarding your question about why the WP Admin link is no longer there, one reason is that we would like to get more people using the new editor and giving feedback about it faster.

    @paultallen, you said, “Please keep toolbar on top, as page scrolls down.” This should be happening already. A few other people mentioned this as a problem but haven’t yet provided very much detail when I asked for more information. Can you please tell me your browser version and OS?

    @gaudetetheology, thank you for the feedback about page up/down not working in Firefox 40.0.3 for you. I have added that to the bug report. Also, I love your suggestion about the wording for the the feedback post, however, I don’t have a definite list like what you’ve mentioned at the beginning and things can change and so I always feel a bit funny about using words like definitely, never, and always. In my role, I gather feedback and that is then used as one part of the decision-making on changes later. Sometimes things that will definitely need to change come out in the feedback after it starts, and that’s why I’m here keeping track of it.

    Thanks for all the helpful responses on this thread.

    Thanks for saying thanks! I think WordPress.com users are talented and interesting and you are what makes this community really cool to work with.

  • Okay, so ive just gone back and had a better look at the new editor. I freaked out when I saw I couldn’t find the list of my old posts and came here straight away to say how much I miss it. Heres what I actually think of the new editor.

    (1) Its clean, clear and it is a little faster. Not as fast as I’d like as a touch typer, there is still a delay but I cam live with that. It’s been like it forever.
    (2) the new way to select images feel heavy, chunky, in your face. The older version was WAY more simple to use and understand.
    (3) I’m not happy about not being able to rename the images when adding them to the post in the image selector. I also cant see how to add an ‘alt text’ or a description. All of these features make it easier for me when adding those images from the post to my Pinterest. It means I have already done the work so I don’t need to alter the description on Pinterest. This, I think, is something that needs to be able to come back.
    (4) I miss not being able to ‘full screen’ the editor. not that the full screen version in the last editor was amazing, it was better than feeling like I need to lean right to line up with the screen.
    (5) the drop down menus should be open and only closed if people choose to close them, as opposed to being closed and having to open them. I just think its easier that way and people will be less likely to add those things.
    (6) back to my previous post. We NEED the option to scroll through previous posts/pages when doing a hyperlink. I really cannot emphasise how much I hate not being able to do that and I genuinely feel that I wont be able to create my posts in the same way as I used to without being able to do that. Yes I know I can go onto my website and find the URL but that take TIME and a lot more EFFORT. I literally squeeze my posts in between looking after my child and dong the housework. If its going to take me more time, my whole experience is going to change and I wont be able to work as efficiently.
    URGH, It makes me think of all those stupid blog awards where we had to link to peoples website by doing the EXACT same thing! URGH, ain’t nobody got time for that!
    (Pleeeeeeaaaassseeeee bring it back. I feel like crying lol)

  • @erickuns, here is the link you asked for: https://artoferickuns.wordpress.com/wp-admin/ I’d love to help you with the new WordPress.com editor if I can. Making complex posts with a lot of images should be possible and feedback about it from everyone will work to help make it better.

    @kasturika, thank you for the feedback. I’ve logged it.

    @barrygidman and @bleedingheartbookblog, the edit toolbar should stay at the top when you scroll down. I have tested with the browsers listed at http://browsehappy.com/ Can you please let me know what browser version and OS you are using?

    @bleedingheartbookblog, I will forward your suggestion about the scheduling button.

    @azunavean, I will look into the issues you reported with embedding images without adding them to the media library. Thank you for the extra detail about that. Regarding keeping the old editor as a preference, our goal is to get more people using the new editor so we can work to make that one better. I understand it’s a hard transition for some, and I’m working to help answer questions and report issues in order to help with that the best way I can. In your case, I would recommend using a bookmark for /wp-admin in the short term.

    @perolofsamuelsson, thank you for reporting the page down problem. It has been filed as a bug report and now we’ll need to wait for it to be reviewed. There are some feature requests which have received a lot more comments which will probably be addressed before that one.

  • Me again

    I also agree with the word count and pinned post to the top thing.

  • @perolofsamuelsson

    The search function doesn’t work. (“Mark all” works, but I don’t see why I should have to use this,)

    Thank you for reporting this. It’s very strange, it looks like the search is double and you have to cycle through the content one whole time before the words actually start getting highlighted. I have reported this as a bug.

    If I click “Preview”, I cannot get back to the editor; it just stays on preview.

    To exit a post preview, click the “x” at the top left or press the Esc key. If either of those things are not working for you, can you please reply back here and let me know your browser version and OS? I have tested with a few browsers and it is working for me in my testing so far.

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