editing sidebars in digg3

  • Hi, If I put a widget in the right hand side bar it over writes the calender, blog roll & web link lists that I have in that bar. None of these headings show up in the Side Bar 2 when I am using the dash board to edit widgets so I am assuming that they are not widgets and I wondering if they are automatically installed as part of the the digg3 layout. (I can’t remember if I placed them in the side bar or, if I did, how I did so) I can see how to edit the left hand (first) side bar but can I edit the the second side bar so that I can add more widget?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry, I didn’t include a link to the blog:

  • The reason why it ‘overwrites’ is because those are the default widgets. Adding another widget is what starts the sidebar editing process and creates a blank sidebar with only the widget(s) that you add. Just add the widget(s) you want AND the calendar AND the blogroll and you should be fine.

  • Thank you. I hadn’t thought about starting the second side bar from scratch. I will try this now.

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