Dynamic menu with javascript

  • Hello. I need help with code. I’m creating menu, where will be year(s), when you click on any year(2013,2014,2015), bellow shows month(s), when you click on month(June, April, May), bellow shows your post’s titles, that were written at that month and that year. I don’t know the name how to name it, but some where in internet i found name “dynamic menu”.

    I’m very new at javascript(jquery), but i need to make this menu as fast as i can.

    This is site where i need to do this – http://baltkojyterima.site90.com/
    You can see menu in the left. This is where i need to do that “dynamic menu”.

    AS i said, i need make it fast. I tried many plugins, but most of them are not supported to My theme(i’m using my own theme). None of them are working.

    I’m not good at english, so if you didn’t understand what i mean, ask any question.

  • Oh, one more thing. I need to show only that month, where are/is posts.
    I’m gonna put example soon

  • Hi, you are in the wrong forum.
    This forum is only for blogs/sites hosted by WordPress.com and http://baltkojyterima.site90.com/ is not hosted by WordPress.com.

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