Domain Mapping Renewa

  • Need help renewing domain mapping for – I am an Admin on that site – but not sure about the login and the email account is a bit messed up so sending a reset will probably go to a mailbox I don’t have access to.

    I think the mapping is expiring in the next few days

    There are two Admin’s and only two people on that site – can I get a Happiness Engineer to help me renew the domain mapping using this account? Several years ago having editors and Admin’s that are not the site owner have the ability to renew upgrades.

    I just spent over an hour trying to find what is probably the email and user info for the other account for and so far no luck.

    Thanks in advance

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ahoy, Mike! Long time :)

    The domain mapping for has already been removed from that site, so it’s no longer possible to renew – it expired on 26 September, and was removed from the site on 3 October.

    Additionally, as that was the only domain upgrade owned by that account, this means that account has now lost the legacy status that allowed it to own domain upgrades without a plan.

    However, your auxclass account still has the ability to buy domain upgrades without a plan, so you should be able to buy a new domain mapping upgrade for that site using this account.

    Let me know if you run into any trouble with that.

  • Hope all is well with you – on the Covid-19 thing WordPress & folks were already dispersed around the world – but the meetups are probably on hold –

    I was not a believer (sorry for my attitude at times) – but I clicked on map a domain I own and it took the correct amount of money from my credit card and gave me a receipt for the proper amount and said successful and gave me the name server info – BUT when I tried to set as primary I get an error message to the effect “need to upgrade to a paid plan” which I just did – did I find a bug in the system?

    seems to me if I have a receipt from WordPress at least part of the company understands what just happened

    Thanks for the help & hope you and your family and friends are safe and healthy

  • PS: Receipt #[redacted]

    I hate leaving links into my site – but someone needs to be logged into my account to use the link – however be appreciated if you would remove the link after you look – this is the page that won’t let me past it


  • Hope all is well with you – on the Covid-19 thing WordPress & folks were already dispersed around the world – but the meetups are probably on hold –

    We’re all still safe and healthy yes, thanks for asking :)

    Nope, no meetups, so haven’t seen the rest of the team for over a year.

    – BUT when I tried to set as primary I get an error message to the effect “need to upgrade to a paid plan” which I just did – did I find a bug in the system?

    You should be able to set that domain as primary without buying a plan, as your auxclass account is still exempt. But it could be due to the site itself belonging to another account. I’ll report this to our domains team and let you know what they say.

    I’ve removed the link as requested :)

  • Glad things are going well and safe for everyone

    If I enter as the url I am redirected to –

    looking at my dashboard it showed as a mapped domain but as noted above when I try and change the primary domain I still get the error message noted above

    Thanks for the help – guess this keeps my record of finding bugs intact – seems to me some renewal notices keep going away for my site keep getting lost – I need to put a note I guess on my plain old paper calendar

    take care

  • If I enter as the url I am redirected to –

    Yep. That’s because the address is currently primary.

    I’m still waiting on our devs to find out why we can’t change that :)

  • I will keep the faith :)

    thanks for the help

  • I’ve heard back from a developer, and it appears you’ll only be able to make that domain primary (without upgrading to a paid plan) if your account also owns the site, rather than only being an admin. So you’ll need to try and recover access to the other account so you can transfer ownership of the site.

    If you’re not able to get a password reset email, the other option is to use the transaction ID for a past renewal payment on the account recovery form at

  • That makes things much tougher –

    I will see what I can figure out -the email for the account goes through my way old desktop which I have not turned on since Christmas so the email is probably jammed – I just looked at the account owner and if I can find the correct file I might have a chance at logging in

    Thanks for the help and have a good week

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