Domain Mapping Goes Into Infinite Loop

  • I just purchased and set up domain mapping for my wordpress blog ( so that I can see it under a domain I already own ( I had previously set up my domain (purchased through NetFirms) to redirect traffic to, but I decided I’d rather have my wordpress blog’s address appear as instead of

    After updating the nameservers on NetFirms and waiting until WordPress saw the change, I added the domain to my WordPress blog. When I set as my primary domain and try to browse to either or, however, my browser goes into an infinite loop between the two addresses (with nothing being loaded). If I set to be my primary domain, then everything works fine (except for the fact that my redirects to instead of vice versa, which is what I want).

    Is this something that one has to wait up to 72 hours to resolve, or is there probably something else going on here?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • An infinite loop is not normal at all – the 24 to 72 hour thing has to do with you maybe being sent to the wrong site because not all the databases and routers across the internet have been updated. During the change time it is normal to go to the old site one time then the new site the next time or for you to be stuck seeing your old site with others see the new site – that can be the result of local caching issues with your local ISP.

    @TT has the right advice for you.

  • Wow, thanks for the fast replies! I’ve made a post on the Staff Questions forum about this issue.

    Hmmm… After some more testing, it appears as though Netfirms is still in control of directing where goes to. I tried changing the address that points to under the Netfirms control panel and that seems to be the end result.

    That is, with WordPress domain mapping: redirects to, and then redirects to whatever I enter under the Netfirms control panel. I was under the impression that, with Domain Mapping, WordPress would have final control over where would end up pointing because of the name server changes.

  • Looks like this was something that took a day or so to resolve itself. It’s working fine now.

  • Thanks for letting us know this has been sorted. Happy blogging. :)

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