domain hosting

  • ive had a wordpress site for many years but the domain is hosted by network solutions id like to transfer it to wordpress, do i get the one year free?what
    do you charge after that?can you help make the transfer . I watched the video on transfers not real clear on how to proceed Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    You will need a plan to use a custom domain you own. With yearly plans, you will save a ton of money and get the first year’s domain registration/transfer cost waived. So, I suggest upgrading to a suitable plan, but choose the yearly billing option.

    Here’s how to transfer your domain:

    Domains » Transfer a Domain to
    7 min read
    Do you already own a domain name? Follow the steps in this guide to transfer the domain from another provider to and use it with your WordPress website. If you wish to transfer a domain from to an external provider, visit the Transfer a Domain to Another Registrar guide instead. Video Overview Before You Get Started Domain transfers typically take 5-7 d

    From the second year onwards, you’ll pay for the plan and the domain renewal fee separately. You can check the current domain registration/renewal cost here:

    Domains » Domain Pricing and Available TLDs
    6 min read
    This page lists the domain extensions (also known as top-level domains or TLDs) available on and their prices. Search for your domain here! Standard Domain Registration and Renewal Pricing The current price for one year of domain registration for standard-priced domains is listed below. When you purchase any annual or multi-year plan, the first year of the domai

    Hope that helps! Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.

  • I already pay about $100 a year to wordpress to host my site i dont know what plan that is .I also pay 40 something to network solutions for the domain ,how much does wordpress charge to host my domain.not interested in going from 100 to 300 to host the site

  • I already pay about $100 a year to wordpress to host my site i dont know what plan that is .

    It looks like you are on an Explorer plan for that site.

    how much does wordpress charge to host my domain.not interested in going from 100 to 300 to host the site

    If you transfer the domain to us, the domain’s cost would be $12 for a year. You can check the costs for available TLDs here.

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