Domain expiration Document

  • Hi there,

    Here’s an excerpt from the Domains Expiration document:

    We will notify you of the upcoming expiration several times via email (generally 30 days prior to expiration and again 5 to 7 days prior to expiration). If your domain is not renewed, we will also notify you via email within three days after expiration. We will also display messages on your blog’s Dashboard.

    Email is linked to the the document: which indicates that the email for domain renewal is sent to the email associated with the account.

    Whereas under the same, it’s mentioned that:

    These emails will be sent to the email address you provided as the registrant contact information, which may not be the same as the email address associated with your account.

    This creates a little confusion. Are the renewal emails sent to the email address associated with the account or the one that is provided as the registrant contact information?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That last one is the correct one.

    I’ll get this fixed, thanks!

  • Just to confirm that the email for the renewal of the domain is not sent to the email address associated with the account, correct?


  • The email is sent to the email address you have used when you registered the domain. In many cases, this is the same email address used in the account.

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