Document storage

  • Hi All,

    I hope this finds you all well :)

    I was wondering if their is a plug in or code in which I can add documents like pdf files etc…. on the WordPress site with only access to them via a username and password?

    I am not sure so I thought I would ask :)



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You are on and no plugins are allowed here. However, there is a way to do so:

    • Add a new post.
    • Click on ‘Add Media’ button to upload that .pdf file.
    • Insert that file into your post using a link.
    • Now click at Visibility in right side of the editor, and select “Password Protect this post”.
    • Protect that post with any password and click publish.

    BTW it is almost impossible to read a pdf file from your blog/dashboard unless a link is shared.

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