DKIM for externally hosted email

  • Hello, I am trying to add a DKIM record for a domain hosted on WordPress, but with the email hosted elsewhere (A2 Hosting). I have the DKIM key, but it is too long for the TXT record field in the WordPress Custom DNS settings.

    I have read elsewhere that customer support can add this for me – can someone please reach out to help?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sure thing. We’ll email you so you can send us the key.

    Your site has a business plan, by the way. You are welcome to use our community forums for help, but your plan comes with direct support whenever you’d like. You can find that here:

    Talk to you soon!

  • Ah! My mistake. It had been a while since I ran into one of these :)

    I found out we allow 255 characters now, so if you can generate your DKIM using a 1024 bit option, it should fit. We have more details here:

    We emailed as well, so if you have any trouble, feel free to let us know there. I just wanted to update the public record here, too :)


  • I cannot generate a 1024-bit DKIM. Do you have another solution for this? 2048-bit DKIMs are not exactly rare in the world…is it possible to break the key into two strings (this is the common workaround)? I tried that in the front end and it would not work (I suspect the webform field has a character limit), but can it be done in the back end?

  • Hi @actionforintegrity,

    I’m afraid it’s not possible to break up the record. In cases like this, my recommendation is to use Cloudflare to manage your DNS. In Cloudflare, you can connect your domain to using A Records, which I will share with you via email. Please keep an eye on your inbox.

  • That works great until it breaks SSL. Not impressed with last-century tech on hosting. Every other hosting platform on earth handles this better.

  • Once you’ve connected your domain, our system will automatically provision SSL for your domain — you won’t need to use SSL with Cloudflare. The same is true should you choose to update your records with your registrar instead.

    If you have any questions about that, feel free to reach out via live chat.

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