Distraction-free Writing Feature Feedback

  • Some of the links on my blog can not be read when using Chrome. It’s all small squares. On this particular page the names of the bloggers are all small squares. However, i tried Firefox, it has no problem.

    Please investigate this… Thanks.

  • Yeah, everything disappearing when you write is more distracting than anything else. I looked at the general tutorial page on this new feature and the EXIT FULLSCREEN button, which I was looking for, is up there, (didn’t think it was) but hidden by the general wordpress bar. And, I’d like to see all the kitcken sink options put back in the full screen mode, too.

  • Is there any way . . . any way to be able to change font size like in Word? This drives me crazy, because I feel the font that I am using – & I have experimented with many – is too small to read comfortably. The Paragraph is too small and Headings 3 or 4 can be too large for a whole post. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or if I need to get an upgrade of some sort to be able to have that feature.

    Just needed to throw that out there . . . otherwise I love WordPress! I could go on for hours with the reasons I love WordPress! It is fairly easy to use and the tutorials are very helpful in getting started.

    Thanks for everything. I have not had a chance to use the DFW but I will tomorrow!

  • Dear Jane,

    We went out of state for the weekend, so I also got away from posting on our church blog… but, alas, everything I was uncomfortable with regarding The Change is still here now that we’re back.

    I’ve read through the comments since mine, and I see that others are also unhappy with The Change.

    I do hope… as I’m sure others do… that you’ll rethink the wonderful option we had before The Change and make things okay for the rest of us again.

    Till then, heavy sigh.

  • Noticing the same problem as reported by “santakev” right near the beginning of these comments. Full-screen mode is neat, but the toolbar is obscured by the dark-gray WordPress “universal toolbar.”

    I’m using IE7 with a monitor running 1280×1024. Not my preference, but it’s not my computer; it’s at work, so I don’t have a choice. (At home on my own self-hosted WordPress sites, I primarily use Chrome with a dual-monitor setup.)

    That new WordPress toolbar — which is even appearing on my self-hosted blogs — has been puzzling to me. At first I didn’t like it, then I started to like it, but now I’m pretty sure I don’t like it. I’ve turned it off on some of my blogs and now I’m definitely going to turn it off everywhere.

  • I would like to be able to have the sink please. I need to access the character menu to put the degrees in oven temperatures while I write and little things like that.

  • Frankly I miss the old version. I miss the kitchen sink toolbar, especially the font sizes. It also takes several attempts to successfuly add a picture.

  • I posted, and my whole page is distorted. Words to the right, can’t view more than one picture, can’t scroll for more. All text runs together. what happened?

  • @davidjacobsonglass
    See here please > https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/distorted-page-layouts-after-publishing-a-new-post?replies=7#post-613175
    Staff already went into your blog and removed the open div tag for you. Please do not post to multiple threads. :)

  • It’s working for me. But even writing about distraction-free writing can be, er, distracting:

    Step Away from the Mouse

  • Ugh

    Visual/toggle to full screen
    Gray bar at the top of the screen covers up most of the text options, colors, font sizes. It’s like everything is gone. I do not like this use keyboard to do this or that. This has just made writing a lot more harder.

    I got text to change color by having it in visual but not in full toggle so most everything was blocked.

    How this is suppose to be distraction free is beyond me. Should give us an option to switch back to old format.

  • I have to agree with those who miss the full editing options. If I were designing it and was going to leave anything off at all, I’d omit the bold & italic buttons, since those are second nature for me to use the keyboard shortcuts for, so I never use them. But to undo something, I now have to switch screens. That makes for more distraction for me, not less.

    I’d like to see the formatting drop-down menu, as well, though I can live without that and go back in the regular small screen visual editor and add headers, etc., later. But having to hop back and forth because I want to undo something is a real pain. (I didn’t realize how much I rely on the undo button until it wasn’t there.) Anyway, I’m back to the regular editor until I am either perfect the first time and no longer have to “undo” things, or there’s an undo button on the full screen editor. :-)

  • I have better than Explorer 6 but I still get that Upgrade message. It is annoying.
    The other tweaks you have made seem nice though. But please fix that upgrade notice, it is mis-identifying higher versions of Explorer as IE6.

  • This really is a great idea to have distraction free modes. I have lost counton how many times Ive been distracted by all that clutter on the screen!!

  • I like the distraction free mode, but I’ve been terribly distracted when I paste text from MS Word. I’ve had to reformat text b/c of line breaks. It’s taken me roughly 3x the amount of time to blog. It’s definitely a distraction.

  • @gaylorddiaz
    Just in case you have not yet enabled this > Go to Settings > Writing and select “ ___ WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically” and then scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

    If you have been copying and pasting text from elsewhere then you have to switch out of the distraction free mode to locate and use the icon 5 and/or icon 6 in Row 2 of the visual editor http://en.support.wordpress.com/visual-editor/#pasting-text And, you’re right it does take longer due to the lack of the full array of icons in the distraction free writing mode.

  • Thanx timethief for the info. It was helpful.

  • I just love the ‘just write’ mode. But it seems, it doesn’t autosave drafts in ‘just write’ mode; It is really a dangerous bug given the situation that an accidental ‘Esc’ key can take one back to the regular mode, throwing away all the unsaved content. I just lost half an hour’s worth of work due to such an accident :(

  • I have been using the new Just Write feature since it came out – and I noticed that the save function acts a bit weird. For instance, when I save repeatedly in Just Write and then exit full screen, my assumption is that my post is saved, but if I try to exit the post, I get the prompt asking if I am sure I want to leave this page, which I get when I have NOT saved. So I thought well, maybe it is just a double check. So I always save in the regular view after I saved in Just Write. But today the WORST HAPPENED. I wrote a lengthy post, saving all along in JUST WRITE. When finished, I exited full screen and instead of putting me back to normal view, I was kicked out and asked to login again. This made my stomach turn – I feared the worst. When I got back in to my post all my new writing was GONE. None of the work I saved while in JUST WRITE actually saved. This is a SERIOUS issue. I have an email in to tech support to ask if there is an auto recover (boy do I ever hope so), but I wanted to make sure you all are aware of this saving issue. I cannot think of anything more essential to WP functionality than saving a post as it is being written.

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