Displaying Widgets

  • Ok

    I just wanted to delete a template on my homepage that’s not needed but it doesn’t let me. I can’t send screenshots through here

  • You can easily upload your images to this thread by using the Image Block. Here’s a quick gif to show you how to do this by typing /image on its own line.

    Please add the screenshots you have and we’ll be happy to take a closer look! 🙂

  • The template on my homepage the empty square at the top. I can’t send screenshots through here. That square is not necessary so I wanna delete it but can’t seem to figure out how

    Ok. Wow cool I didn’t know they can design sites for you. I would rather them do that because i find the new editors very confusing. I did watch videos and check out links but still having a hard time

    But is there a catch to it. Meaning do you have to pay to do that. Cuz I honestly don’t have the money

  • @supernovia wow cool I didn’t know they can design sites for you. I rather them do that cuz I find the new editor’s very confusing. I did watch videos and check out links but still having a hard time

    But is there a catch. Meaning do you have to pay cuz I honestly don’t have the money

  • Wait sorry am I seeing the same thread cuz the last thread I seen was by supernovia I think. That’s why I replying back

    My apologies

  • No worries! Looks like you have a few different threads going. But, please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!

  • Ya I was confused why so many

    But just to reiterate back to supernovia question. She said that they have a way to design your website for you if I understand correctly. But is there a catch to that meaning do you have to pay etc.

    I would rather do that because I find the new editors very confusing even tho I do watch videos and check out links

  • but can you have your site designed for you like supernovia said. And if so is there a catch meaning is payment involved

  • Is your site just a hobby site or is it for a business as having WordPress.com build a site for you requires someone investing their time in discussing what you want and implementing it so obviously this doesn’t come cheap.

    WordPress Website Design Service | Built By WordPress.com

  • How do I get my homepage to show on the front page of my site. Its currently showing my blog posts. I want a static homepage

    Also how do I add images from media gallery to a blog posts. Like the empty squares on my page how do I add pictures to that instead of leaving it blank

    I’m just really trying to understand how this theme works cuz I find it very confusing even when I watch videos and read links

    I can’t send screenshots through here so I uploaded the images of what I’m talking about in my media gallery. There the first two images at the top

  • How do I get my homepage to show on the front page of my site. Its currently showing my blog posts. I want a static homepage

    Also how do I add images from media gallery to a blog posts. Like the empty squares on my page how do I add pictures to that instead of leaving it blank

    I’m just really trying to understand how this theme works cuz I find it very confusing even when I watch videos and read links

    I can’t send screenshots through here so I uploaded the images of what I’m talking about in my media gallery. There the first two images at the top

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