Display posts within a new category widget

  • Is there a way to display posts within a category widget, let´s say “Popular posts”?

    I created that category, open a second category widget, but there was no option to assign the category, so I got the already known list of categories, not something like the “Recent Post” list.

  • We regular forum volunteers and our moderators are in the dark when it comes to how to use these multiple categories widgets. It seems that the powers that be have forgotten to enlighten us, as to how they function and how we can utilize and direct their functions to meet our blogging needs. I know that sounds lame but believe me none us know any more than you do.

  • Got it.

    Thank you!

  • Why would you use a category widget to display anything other than categories? Do you mean top posts in a certain category? As far as I know, this is not possible. WP.com would have to design a new widget to do that.

    Simply use the Top Posts widget to display your most popular posts, or hand-code your own Favorite X-Category Posts in a text widget.

  • I would use different widgets for different Category groupings, if I could.
    Example 1 – Health, fitness and all related sub-categories.
    Example 2 – Food and related sub-categories like cooking and recipes.
    Example 3 – Environment and all related sub-categories
    Example 4 – Fashion …

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