Diffrent catalogs on each page

  • Ok so what i want to know is how can you add different catalogs on each page? What i mean is:
    page: Meow



    Do you get me? ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can organize posts by category and then use the category widget in the sidebar. Then when someone clicks on that category name, they get only the posts from that category.

    Pages that you create are static and sit outside the blog structure, so you cannot display posts on a static page.

    Best you could do would be to make a page with the catalog on it and then put a link in the body of that page to the similar category.

    That is if I’m understanding you right.

  • hmm….. then cheak this blog out. its on wordpress but have different catagories on each page. you try clicking the pages then you will understand me.
    (Do you nedd to pay for edit CSS to do that?)

  • If the theme you are using supports it, you can add categories to the menu bar by using the Menu option under Dashboard>Appearance


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