Depo Masthead and the more tag

  • Just wondering if Depo Masthead supports the ‘more tag’ in all three columns, I have tested this out and with one of my older blogs by using the depo theme and it works fine on that one, but it doesn’t work with my primary blog which uses the same theme. If you use the more tag, at the bottom of the post it should say…”Read more and Comment”.

    Anyone else having the same problem?


  • I’m not using that theme, but my more tags work fine in the DePo preview. Looking at your code, I can see that something is not right with your more tag, but I am unable to tell you how to fix it.

  • Is your name Anthony and did you just get access to my dashboard to look at my code?

    I went on to my dashboard and it had a warning up saying..

    Warning: Anthony is now editing this post!

    How did you do that?


  • I just tried it, and there were no “read more” links. But it worked once I put text of my own. If you’re not familiar with this, note that you can customize the “more” link. Where it says:
    you can have
    <!--more WhateverTextHere-->

  • Hey, if my name were Anthony it would say so in my profile. As far as I know Anthony is a staff member and as far as I know staff can in fact edit any blog on, scary huh?

  • <i>as far as I know staff can in fact edit any blog on, scary huh? </i>

    Freaky… wpvstp I just thought that new SLL protection, they may have stuffed up big time! NOoooooo, not faithful WordPress!!!

    panaghiotisadam… thanks for that information and I will do that for now… but it should actually look more like this…

    If you scroll down you can see within the them a red box that says… “Read more and Comment”.
    But until they rectify this I will do what you suggest, thanks…

  • Let me add that when wpvstp wrote he was looking at your code, he meant via the “View source” command of our browsers; we can see and copy your code this way, and that’s what allows us to see what’s wrong and make suggestions when a problem has to do with code. But that’s as far as it goes – there’s no way us plain mortals can edit your code or access your dashboard.

  • Really you can look at anyone’s code? I didn’t know that!

  • Yup – open any blog page, select the “view source” command from the “View” menu of your browser and see for yourself!

  • WOW! I just did that for this page, I had no idea :)

  • I have let WordPress support know about the more tag, and how it is not doing what is is suppose too. This issue is not resolved as yet, but I’m sure it will be.


  • Yes, this is Anthony (no worries). I’m currently looking into your issue; I copied the exact post over to a test blog, forced it into the second column, and the MORE tag worked as expected. There’s something off somewhere; again, I’m currently investigating…

  • The elusive Anthony, I received your email this morning to say it is all working now… I have checked and yes, you are a miracle worker.

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