Deleting items from media library

  • When I select photos to delete (to free up space in my library) I get the message that once deleted these images will be removed from all areas of my blog. Does that mean they will be deleted from my past published posts!!?? I don’t want that I just want some more free space in my media library.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, yes, that is what that message means. When you delete media from the Media Library it deletes it everywhere.

    You can see your current storage space usage in your site’s Media Library in the gauge at the upper right corner of that screen.

    I’m not going to suggest that you go back and replace existing images with resized ones or edit your uploaded images on site as that only uses more space because both the original image and the edited image are saved. That way lies pain.

    If your Media Library is full, the only real option is to upgrade, especially if you use the Gallery feature. You can only create a Gallery from images that are uploaded to your website. Same with Featured Images. If you are uploading your images right out of your camera or phone, you’ll not only eat up your space in a flash, your site visitors need to wait until all your images load and if they are on mobile, that is a lot of data transfer!

    If you are taking the time to resize and optimize your images in an image editing program before uploading them to your site, even the extra 3GB of space in the Personal plan should hold you for a long time. The only time you’d want to upload a full-size image is if you are letting your site visitors download your images for printing. Otherwise,

    Optimize Your Images

    In general, images should be around 1600 pixels wide unless you have a theme that requires a larger image for the featured image.

    There are few other options for embedding Media hosted elsewhere, like from Mesh Flickr or Facebook and Instagram embeds

    Hope that helps.

  • Clearly I ddn’t understand any of this when I began using my media library.

    All I want to do is post my travel blog a couple of times a year when I take a 3 month trip somewhere interesting. I upload pictures from my iPhoto into the media library and then use them to illustrate the blog. I don’t want to take old pictures out and have them disappear from early posts as my blog is used by friends for travel information and it acts as my travel diary.

    I have beeen doing this for some time obviously and never noticed that there is a top capacity for the media library. I have one more post to do for this current trip and then I likely won’t use the blog for several months.

    I don’t really want to spend $60 per year for more storage when I don’t use the pictures for anything else. I guess this is an insoluble problem.

  • Hello again, Anything is possible. :)

    I don’t have an iDevice so can’t answer this, but is it possible to resize your images in your iPhone or take an additional smaller photo with your phone and/or camera so you’re also uploading smaller photos to your site? For the theme you are using, Twenty Eleven, they don’t need to be larger than 1000 pixels across. As an aside, if you open any of your single images in a new tab, you can see in the address bar that they are being resized to 768 pixels across to fit your theme’s content column.

    Has your media library storage capacity been completely used up? If you still have enough room for images from the current trip, then once you have finished that, you can start a new free site under this same account at

    After the new site is set up and launched (all new sites on WordPressdotcom have their visibility initially set to Private), you can leave a final post on the old site with a link to the new site. Staff will assist you in moving your current subscribers to your new site.

    If you don’t have enough room in your Media Library for the remainder of the current trip, you’ll need to use one of the other image hosting options I mentioned above or you can upgrade for one year to expand your storage limit to 6GB total with the Personal plan. Once the year is over, the existing photos won’t be removed, however, unless you renew, you won’t be able to upload new photos. There are other advantages to upgrading, which you can read about in that support guide.

    Again, hope that helps.

  • Just a quick update, it appears that Mesh is no longer available.

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