Deleted items in Stats

  • As long as WP is redoing the Stats page, it would be nice if deleted items could be filtered out. My blog has been substantially revised since its inception. If I request stats on views of posts from the beginning, most of what comes up will be deleted posts rendering the stats useless.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for your feedback. The views for deleted posts are still historical information, and we don’t plan to change the historical stats after content is deleted.

  • Why not do like real stats packages like Quantcast had? The ability to build a window with both a start and stop date – then people could filter and display yearly top page views or specific months etc. – much better to do a window than the latest junk crippled stats “upgrade” that a lot of resources were wasted on – I don’t even bother to look at the new useless stats “upgrade” – it is useless to me

  • Please put back the search terms, even though they were severely crippled a while back. Also, expand the bar graph to include a greater period of time, like before (a month or so?), so that recent trends can be seen. And return to the bar graph the names of posts published on each day so we can quickly see why readership might have spiked on a given day. Also need an option for a two-column page and modules that can be rearranged. Might as well eliminate followers since the number so full of spammers as to be invalid.

  • Thanks for your feedback windwhistle. I noticed you posted the same feedback in several threads. I am watching all of the feedback and noticed your updates.

    Expanding the bar graph is a planned update based on everyone’s feedback. I am not sure on the time frame, but hopefully soon. :)

    I will add your note about returning the names of posts into the hover bubble for the bars. I think very few people have mentioned that specific detail in the feedback I’ve seen so far.

    The columns and module rearrangement is in already on the list of feedback but I haven’t heard whether those things will be updated. If they are, it will be a bit later as some other things are being worked on first.

  • Please keep in mind this thread is not about stats in general, the original post in this case was asking to add back deleted stats. I did answer that, so I am going to mark this post as resolved and close it.

  • The topic ‘Deleted items in Stats’ is closed to new replies.