Delete Zemanta

  • I want to delete Zemanta. It is prohibiting me from assigning a new post to a sub-page. I tried using the tutorial to go to the page, click on the tab at the top of the page, view, and click attributes…it’s not there. Zemanta replaces the attributes sidebar at the bottom. Help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I use Zemanata. . Simply go to your browser bar and click “Tools” scroll down and find “enable Zemanta for blogs” and that will disable it. FWIW the forum is not the Zemanta support forum — that would be over at Zemanta. ;)

    Also note that it does not replace anything in your sidebar all functions are still usable. If you don’t like it then uninstall it.

  • The way I use it is like this. I compose my whole post just as I usually would. I got into “Tools” and enable Zemanta for blogs. I use it to enhance the images and links to authoritative posts I have in my article. If I don’t find anything I want to use then I don’t use it. I return to “Tools” and disable it.

  • As timethief already pointed out, Zemanta has nothing to do with the other modules (not “sidebars”) on the post or page editor screen. If the Attributes module isn’t there, click Screen Options to activate it. Also note that, with the exception of the main edit box, you can change the position of each module by dragging.

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