Delete unwanted Blogs

  • I’ve got four Blogs registerd under my username that I no longer require, and I want to delete them. How do I do this without deleting the Blogs that I want to keep?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • First off, when you go to delete them, make sure you are in the dashboard for that particular blog that you want to delete (make sure the name of that blog is in the upper left of the browser window). Secondly you might want to hang onto at least one to use for testing out new themes or things like that so that you do not have to do it on a live blog. Just set your test blog to private.

    If you don’t want the test blog to appear in the “my blogs” pulldown in the grey admin bar, go to “my blogs” in your dashboard and there you can “hide” that blog. It will still show up in that list, but not in the pulldown.

  • One other thing, since deleted blogs are gone forever (you will never be able to get that URL back again, ever, think seriously about deleting them. It might be better to just hide them as I mentioned above.

  • Thanks for the reply. The urls that I want to delete are all junk urls that I’ve no intrest in keeping. I did create a great url that I’m going to keep hold of in case I ever want to use it that I’m going to hide until I have got a use for it.


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