Dashboard appearance

  • My current dashboard has a different appearance. I want the common one with the tree structure. How can I come back to it? Furthermore, my free plan doesn’t allow me to add any plugin. How can I fix it? Thank you very much. Sergio.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Let’s address the plugins issue first.

    WordPress.com blogs have built in plugins. If you are reading anything that makes you think that we bloggers can install plugins, advertising, custom themes or third party themes on sites hosted by wordpress.COM, then you are mistaken/misinformed. We have never had that ability. You are confusing wordpress.COM hosted blogs and wordpress.ORG installs on paid hosting.

    Blogger installed plugin capability does not exist on WordPress.COM blogs and there is no upgrade you can purchase here that changes that reality. Permalink structure cannot be changed on sites hosted by wordpress.com

    For that type of functionality, you’d need a self-hosted WordPress.ORG software install running on a paid web hosting service.

    See: Moving to Self-Hosted WordPress

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here http://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG account, then click http://wordpress.org/support/ and register one on the top right-hand corner of the page that opens, https://wordpress.org/support/register.php so you can post to the support forums there.
    Resetting your WordPress.ORG password http://codex.wordpress.org/Resetting_Your_Password
    WordPress.org support docs are at https://codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page
    See also https://apps.wordpress.org/support/

  • My current dashboard has a different appearance. I want the common one with the tree structure.

    WordPress.com bloggers have been blessed with 2 user interfaces and two editors so that everyone around the world using whatever device can use wordpress.

    The Admin login link to the dashboard for every blog hosted by wordpress.COM is:


    * You will have to replace “name_of_blog” with your actual blog’s name in that URL.

    You cannot deactivate the new editor but you do not have to use it.

    On the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Add New

    *http://REPLACE_WITH_ ACTUAL _NAME_OF_BLOG.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.php

    To create posts in the classic editor for you that link is:


    On the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts one can hover over any post title and click the Edit link. and proceed with editing.

    *http://REPLACE_WITH_ ACTUAL _NAME_OF_BLOG.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php

    To edit posts in the classic editor go to


    Hope this helps and best wishes with your blog.

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