Creating a map on an image.

  • I have been trying – for about 5 solid hours – to create a map of the UK on my website. I have all the code correct so that each county has it’s own link etc. It workds fine if I load it from notepad but as soon as I try to place it on wordpress (via the edit by html tab) it only displays the image. All my links dissapear. I have tried everything. If anyone has got any ideas then PLEASE tell me.

    Kind Regards,

  • You want an interactive map on your blog? Clickable by country etc?

  • Bang on mate! I have all the correct code (I think):

    <map name=”map”>
    <!– #$-:Image map file created by GIMP Image Map plug-in –>
    <!– #$-:GIMP Image Map plug-in by Maurits Rijk –>
    <!– #$-:Please do not edit lines starting with “#$” –>
    <!– #$VERSION:2.3 –>
    <!– #$AUTHOR:Cornelius Lineham –>
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”99,74,131,145,159,137,186,120,200,69,196,22,144,16,107,35,98,67″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”150,149,153,164,159,164,159,171,153,184,151,185,158,201,167,200,171,189,167,177,164,166,171,160,171,144,167,134,158,140″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”169,132,171,142,173,150,171,165,168,174,178,194,206,194,203,171,190,128,183,123,177,132″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”92,123,84,130,76,136,85,150,93,146,103,159,121,148,121,140,118,133,115,122,107,118,98,119,90,123,81,128″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”155,201,148,185,126,181,119,196,126,209,111,213,104,220,108,229,140,238,148,236,147,214,148,204,154,198″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”150,204,150,215,148,221,149,230,156,230,162,227,173,231,178,217,174,201,170,198,164,203,155,204″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”172,192,172,196,177,207,180,218,180,226,177,230,180,235,187,235,195,217,204,214,208,195,183,196″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”213,209,206,216,196,219,193,228,192,241,207,251,227,228,227,217,215,210″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”165,228,149,232,149,239,135,247,119,242,84,267,91,270,159,264,170,241″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”172,233,161,263,169,272,210,266,218,256,201,251,191,251,188,239,186,236″ href=”” />
    <area shape=”poly” coords=”190,242,188,248,191,251,197,251,200,247,195,243,191,242″ href=”” />

    That’s it so far. I need to change a lot of the links but either way that should work shouldn’t it? Confused! :D

  • Well – the code gets stripped, obviously.
    Wordpress will strip away any java, php, perl etc for security reasons.

  • Cheers for the help anyway.

  • There might be another solution, though…
    But someone else will have to come up with it I’m afraid.
    (Traffic will pick up come monday)

  • Load the image on your blog, host the actual map on Google Pages or something, and make the image clickable to the actual map, to open in a new window.

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