Copying a Post into a Page

  • Earlier this week, I wrote a post that seemed better suited as a page, but since no one is notified of new pages, I went ahead and published it planning on making a page later.

    I understand the only way to change a post to a page is to copy from the post. I am fine with this and have a Page in draft of basically the same content. I will place a contact form on it, rather than using the comment form as the post, so I will reword it a little differently.

    What I’d like to know, does it mess up search engines to have both a post and a page of nearly the same content? Would it be best to delete the post, now that many of the regulars have seen it? My regulars rarely visit the pages (which I update often), unless I refer to them in a post; it seems only visitors, or newly subscribed take a look at them.

    Thank you very much for any suggestions.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • No, it doesn’t really mess up search engines. See here:

    But it might be confusing to your visitors. Best thing is to retain the post but delete its content and replace it with a note and a link that directs visitors to the page.

  • Thank you so much for your link; it was helpful. And that is a great idea. I’ll do that.

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