Cookies popup not working

  • Hi people!

    I have never used this forum, but I am glad that there is this community.

    Cookies popup on my blog is not working. The button just stands on the bottom of the page, no jQuery like before.

    How could I fix it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It looks like you’re using a theme that we retired in December 2017 (Motif) – it’s likely broken because it’s no longer compatible with the changes to WordPress and the block editors.

    Since that theme was retired, it would not be updated so we recommend you find a new theme that will work with the block editors properly. You can view the current theme options here:

    NOTE: If you switch to a new theme, you would not be able to switch back to Motif so make sure you want to change your theme before choosing.

    I hope that helps!

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