"Continue reading" to greek in coraline theme

  • I ‘d like if possible to coraline to translate the “continue reading” and the “posted on” in Greek. thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    This thread will be moved to the Translations Forum for you.

  • Hello, WordPress.com is translated by volunteers, and any user (including you!) can suggest translations.

    Here are the links where you can suggest translations to those strings in Coraline:

    “Continue reading”
    “Posted on” and “by” (so that you can have the entire string; be sure to keep the encoding).

    If you are new to GlotPress, here is how it works: http://en.support.wordpress.com/glotpress/

    Note that the Greek translation project is not very active at the moment (it’s 17% translated, and it might take a while until your translations are validated and go live), but Greek (Polytonic) is 79% translated and is updated often, so you might want to consider that option. You can change this option under Settings > General > Language (“el-po” stands for “Greek Polytonic”).

    I hope this helps, let me know if you have further questions!

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