Contempt Custom Header Image Problem

  • Does anyone know how I can extend the custom header image that I’ve uploaded so that it extends across both the content area and the sidebar?

    I’ve previously expanded the width of the Contempt theme, but when I designate an image as a “header” image in Contempt, it won’t let the image be sized at wider than 750 px, even though the CSS has been updated to be wider. The two possibilities it seems to allow are for (1) the image to be repeated over the sidebar or (2) a plain background color to be over the sidebar.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I checked and it looks like you’ve switched to the Able theme and the header image is full width. Since I don’t see the issue you described, I’m going to close this topic as resolved. If you still need help, please reply back here with a link to the blog using the Contempt theme and and set the topic to “not resolved.”

  • The topic ‘Contempt Custom Header Image Problem’ is closed to new replies.