Constant request for logging in

  • For weeks now I have had to log in any time I ‘like’ a post, comment on a post, etc. even though each time I click the box ‘remember me’. I have to type in my email address, name, website, then my password etc. This happens several times a day. It is getting extremely frustrating as it just started happening one day and hasn’t stopped. I have reinstalled my firefox browser several times, thinking maybe that was the issue…..but no. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Are you able to confirm the URL of the website that you need assistance with please?

  • Yes. And once again, I had to log in, in order to reply to this message when I had already logged in several times yesterday (and typed in my email address, name, website etc), in order to comment and like posts I read. I always click “remember me”, never log out, and have saved my password in my browser. So something keeps logging me out.

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that extra information!

    It does sounds like something is happening in the browser there – do you have any adblockers or browser extensions currently running on the browser?

  • Each time it happens, I look up on the browser and make sure the ad blocker is turned off. and plus, this didn’t used to happen and suddenly it started. It isn’t happening on all blogs I follow, only most of them.

  • Hi there,

    This sounds like a cache issue. Have you tried clearing your browser’s cache and seeing if you are able to stay logged in?

  • how do you clear the cache? I did look at firefox regarding extensions, settings etc and there is nothing off there. When I am asked to log in again WP shows a box saying someone has logged me out, then asks if I am Katelon etc and asks me to log back in. Could someone else be accessing my account and logging me out from their computer? I did have this guy Tommy something trolling me for awhile. He has a WP blog with nothing on it, and he kept attempting to use the comment section on my blog as a chat room or instant message. I reported it as spam. Then, he found me commenting on another blog and again, responded to my comments on another blog, attempting to chat me up. I let that blog know that he isn’t who he says and shared my past experience with the guy.

  • So I just cleared my history, commented on a blog….went through all the steps, logged in again…..and then went to another blog, commented and once again I had to go through all the name, email, web address, log in again.

    Here is the info that comes up in the box:

    You are being asked to login because (email visible only to moderators and staff) is used by an account you are not logged into now.

  • Just out of curiosity, does it happen if you use a different browser?

  • I haven’t tried that. My other browser is Chrome and I hate Chrome. But I’ll try it. Everything is set up on my firefox browser….blogs, email etc. Plus this just became an issue a few weeks ago and it NEVER happened before then. Plus, it doesn’t happen on all blogs. I have to use by laptop to like or comment on blogs as with my phone it is impossible. It just leads me to log in, log in, log in and I never get to the point of being able to comment or like a post. And Chrome is the browser on my phone.

  • Ok….I just did like and comment on several blogs using Chrome on my laptop and after a few log ins it did go more smoothly. I’m not going to switch to Chrome full time though so I need to figure out what needs to change in Firefox. I’ve looked at all the settings, I don’t use extensions, cleared the cache, etc. So not sure what else to do.

  • I recommend a fresh installation of Firefox. Before proceeding, though, you should definitely take a backup of your data. Here’s how to do that:

  • I did re-install firefox. They automatically save all my stuff.

    I did figure out last night that for some reason, WP has started adding the box at the bottom of many of the blogs I follow, asking for my name, email address and website. It started a few weeks ago, and I have no idea why but there it is…..happening regularly no matter what browser I use…, firefox, whatever. When I filled it out, over and over, it made me log in again.

    However….I figured out last night that if I just don’t fill it out, just click on the WP symbol just above all that, it logs me in as I’m already logged in as I never log out.

    So I’ve given up attempting to figure out why WP all of a sudden started adding that box requiring all that info anytime I clicked on “like” or wanted to leave a comment. From now on I’ll just click on the WP symbol. I truly hope that no one who follows my blogs are having to jump through all these hoops.

    It does make me question though whether in the future I truly want to upgrade to a paid plan for either of my blogs.

    I appreciate all of you attempting to help me. Nothing got fixed other than me just finding the WP symbol to click and learning to ignore the other required info.

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